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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/12 in all areas

  1. Which Civil Discipline Would You Pursue After Bachelors
    2 points
  2. UmarMakhzumi

    Welcome Everyone! :)

    Asalam-o-alikum wr wb everyone! I am very excited to announce the launch of "Structural Engineering Forum of Pakistan". Its a open discussion forum directed to Civil/Structural Engineers. The purpose is to have discussions, to shun ambiguity and to overall uplift the structural design practice. I welcome everyone aboard. I hope this forum meets serves its purpose, May Almighty ALLAH bless you all. Warm Regards, Makhzumi!
    1 point
  3. well it depends how u present ur self more than goin strat fr masters after BE or with xperinc...there r dzn of xamples of ppl vin gud carreer with immediate masters after BE and also the other side whrere even xperince n masters didn get them wat they wanted....so wen u think ur ready fr it jus do it...waste less time on thinkin till u get more responsibilities to shoulder.....jus chill n go fr it...
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. i want to select structure but i met many structural engineers they are of the view that there is too much saturation in structure and advise to choose water resources or geotech or transportation,where should i go i couldnt make the decision yet.please get some elaborate info from different resource persons so that freshers can settle themselves..i have 75% view of going for water resources as i view that there are two main natural hazards one from earthquake and second floods,we have now earthquake engineering in special.as earthquakes are hazards so are floods and billions of people get affected due to floods.also scarcity of safe clean drinking water,in pakistan there are many small dams are under construction,CDA is going to launch water supply scheme from GHAZI BROTHA.there is one special agency named UN-water and all other UNO agencies has wings which deal in water.so these multiple demands of water give me some incentive.requesting seniors to endorse it or please comment positively.guidance will be appreciated
    1 point
  6. Shahjahan

    Job Places

    i am working for the installation/execution/construction of over head transmission lines. it is only good for those who can travel minimum 300 km/day, believe in long distance relationships and having only half of brain active. for consultancy, the issues are very technical and are very romantic to handle
    1 point
  7. Shahjahan


    My name is Shahjahan Akbar. i am graduate of MCE. i ithought in early years of my engineering that i am going to be vey bad engineer. but i wus wrong :P i am as good as Makhzomi Muhammad can only dream
    1 point
  8. adnan first you have to make your autocad drawing according to 3Muri format its easy just you have to draw the center line for the main load bearing walls as when you sketch the wall in the software it works with the center line. so make your drawings in this format and then you can just import your plan in the software i am sending you on your email id an example drawing and also a PDF file for how to use the software in this you will understand very easily what is the procedure of using this software i hope this works or else you can ask.....
    1 point
  9. UmarMakhzumi

    Detailing ???

    there is a ACI Detailing Manual. We will upload it to Journal/ Article/ Tutorials section soon
    1 point
  10. Its sounds boring.. There is no chicks around Or at least a chick (ziya)
    1 point
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