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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/12 in all areas

  1. UmarMakhzumi

    Welcome Everyone! :)

    Asalam-o-alikum wr wb everyone! I am very excited to announce the launch of "Structural Engineering Forum of Pakistan". Its a open discussion forum directed to Civil/Structural Engineers. The purpose is to have discussions, to shun ambiguity and to overall uplift the structural design practice. I welcome everyone aboard. I hope this forum meets serves its purpose, May Almighty ALLAH bless you all. Warm Regards, Makhzumi!
    1 point
  2. Muhammad Abbas


    Aslamualakikum Everyone I am Muhammad Abbas, I have done Civil engineering from UET Peshawar, SEFP is a good way to communicate and share knowledge and experience, Its really appreciable effort wish you all the best.
    1 point
  3. UmarMakhzumi

    Job Places

    Send him a message through inbox. He will be get notified on his email. Thanks
    1 point
  4. Badar (BAZ)

    New Techs

    fracture mechanics, green construction.
    1 point
  5. Ayesha

    New Techs

    Post Tensioned Slabs, use of carbon fiber polymers, dampers and base isolaters for seismic, some advanced non-destructive testing
    1 point
  6. Adnan, i am afraid ETABS is not a very good solution for masonry walls design. Etabs is designed as a frame analysis program. I have used a software called MASS(http://www.masonryan...ralsystems.com/) It design masonry as per Canadian Building Code. Your best bet would be to get a masonry design handbook and see examples to get a feel of how to design it, or if you want to try doing it on a software, look for educational version one. Can you update a bit about what do u plan to do? may be I can help you develop a spreadsheet to design what you want to..
    1 point
  7. Shahjahan

    Welcome Everyone! :)

    That is very nice of you umaaa to making such an awsum plateform , i know very less about structural engineering bt i am proud of you
    1 point
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