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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/12 in all areas

  1. Basic Building Parameters The basic parameters that define a pre-engineered building are: Building Width, Building Length, Building Height, Roof Slope, End Bay Length, Interior Bay Length, and Design Loads. BUILDING WIDTH: No matter what primary framing system is used, the building width is defined as the distance from outside of eave strut of one sidewall to outside of eave strut of the opposite sidewall. Building width does not include the width of Lean-To buildings or roof extensions. BUILDING LENGTH The longitudinal length of the building measured from out to out of end wall steel lines. BUILDING HEIGHT: Building height is the eave height which usually is the distance from the bottom of the main frame column base plate to the top outer point of the eave strut. When columns are recessed or elevated from finished floor, eave height is the distance from finished floor level to top of eave strut. ROOF SLOPE: This is the angle of the roof with respect to the horizontal. The most common roof slopes are 0.5/10 and 1/10. Any practical roof slope is possible. END BAY LENGTH: The distance from outside of the outer flange of endwall columns to center line of the first interior frame column. INTERIOR BAY LENGTH: The distance between the center lines of two adjacent interior main frame columns. The most common bay lengths are 6 m, 7.5 m and 9 m. DESIGN LOADS: Unless otherwise specified Steel pre-engineered buildings are designed for the following minimum loads: Roof Live Load: 0.57 kN/m2 Design Wind Speed: 110 km/h Design for snow loads, earth quake loads, collateral loads, crane loads or any other loading condition, if required must be specified. Source: zamilsteel.com
    3 points
  2. well i dont believe SAFE gives wrong results as compared with manual calculations.. and here im talking about SAFE 12 But you have to consider following things:- 1) check the load size for perimeter calculation 2) apply the correct parameter for location of column...For example if it is interior column , select the point goto Design>Punhcing Overwrites and make it interior 3) Make correct cover settings. Goto Design> Design Preferences and put the correct cover and bar size 4) Make sure you are familiar with the load combos for which you will design your structure or punching After analysis, right click on the point of column you will see detailed calculations for punching and the governing combination. Make sure SAFE 12 is calculating the effective depth and the perimeter correct which will surely be correct if you follow above steps. You can also check punching calculations of other non governing combinations.
    3 points
  3. Importing grids from CAD is easy. You can also define a cylindrical coordinate system and move its origin to where ever you like. I think you should attach an image of what you are trying to do. That would be the best thing.
    2 points
  4. post your model here!
    2 points
  5. Well in SAFE the punching area is calculated based on the column or load size. When you are not placing any stiff section on the column center or the load size is not defined then you punchign area is reduced giving you more reinforcement. So when you put the right column or load size it gives you correct values of the punching!
    2 points
  6. Which Civil Discipline Would You Pursue After Bachelors
    1 point
  7. Chinese architectural firm plans to build world's largest building in 90 days. Prefabricated construction is on rise.http://designtaxi.com/news/352814/China-Plans-To-Build-The-World-s-Tallest-Building-In-90-Days/
    1 point
  8. WR1

    Sap Modeling Issues

    you cannot directly do this! to have both the grid systems you need to first put the cylinderical grid then import from cad the other grid system. I am not sure but you can try this way! What i do when i have this type of issue is that i dont use cylinderical grids. rather i just draw the grid lines in CAD explode them so that they are not arcs or polylines just simple straight lines. If i require some curve. i dont break that arc cz i know SAP/ETABS will break them in 24 pieces of smaller segments straight lines.
    1 point
  9. i removed all the earthquake combos and with only two combos i checked the results and thier is a variation in values also...i am unable to upload the sheets otherwise i can show u the maual as well as SAFE results..
    1 point
  10. Ayesha

    Safe Punching Shear Problem

    Have you checked what load combo SAFE determines as max for punching and checked your values manually against that combo? I am saying this because, due to seismic, you can have large compression on columns, and manual check we do is mostly for 1.2D + 1.6L
    1 point
  11. Jazakallah... very informative manual... and so simple as well..... Jazakallah.... I will follow it..
    1 point
  12. The one you have interest for. Money lies in competence/grip of knowledge, not in a selective trade.
    1 point
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