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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/15 in Posts

  1. Dear Mr.Rana and Umar, Thanks alot for your feedback. I followed the procedure as dictated in SAFE online Video but I was making one mistake that I was putting the uplift case in LOAD CASE in SAFE. For that reason, it keeps on doing iteration but since there is no load from the top it doesn't converge. Alhumdulillah, the things worked out. Thanks alot once again. I would like to continue one more discussion on SOIL STRUCTURE INTERACTION.
    1 point
  2. lol! yes I am and I am very eager to launch it this month. I converted my idea of writing a modelling book to video book and then to courses
    1 point
  3. AOA, I have shared all suggestions with my engineering department, and they have prepared a report and submitted to lender engineer for review purposes. Will contact you as soon I get some remarks. Regards, Waqas
    1 point
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