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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/17 in all areas

  1. I think one do not need a PhD to differentiate right from wrong, if he ask himself. The minimal should be "Does my action causes danger to the life of any human being?" Rest paves out as we go from time to time, and from moment to moment. But then there are engineer who act against another engineer, or he's not ready to help a fellow engineer. That's a problem specially in Pakistani engineers. Like Pakistani architects use AutoCad (Cracked) and he does not impose himself on another Architect, by saying "Go! and buy a licensed AutoCad!!!!!!". They just work and help another architect. Sadly, you can not say this for engineers. Same goes for PEC..... Architects register with PCATP once. They do not register again if they want to be a consultant and pay in thousands. Similarly, they do not pay again and again if they want to be a contractor/constructor. ....... Engineer Engineer Ka Dushman Hai !!!!!!!!! (Buhut maazrat K sath)
    1 point
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