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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/19 in Posts

  1. Multiply 7 tones by a factor of 1.5 to take into to the account the dynamic effect of that loading. Apply that loading either in the form of point load, or gravity-directed UDL, on area elements representing the elevator shaft.
    1 point
  2. Engr. Salman

    Need a Job

    Dear Hamad! It would be better if you share your CV with your friends or even me as we are helping each other over here on this platform, I will let you know if there is a good opportunity. My friends are working there in Pakistan and they are happy. As Umar Told you that Job hunting is a bit frustrating here but Pakistan is the land of opportunities and you will find the job very soon. Just keep searching Indeed.com, Jobz.pk, Paperpk.com, Mustaqbil.com, Rozee.pk etc. these websites are very popular in Pakistan for Job Searching.
    1 point
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