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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/22 in all areas

  1. excellent discussion above and this is what I usually practice for buried RC water tank. Just to add to Mr syed umair excellent discussion ACI 350-20 is now released and chapter 7 is shifted to chapter 12 where the min reinf criteria is also modified to min, max restraint instead of spacing of movement joints etc. Regarding Er Makhzumi explanation, I would add one imp point that ACI 224, althu mentioned 0.1mm crack width for liquid tight strs, however ACI 224 is not applicable to environ.. engg strs as mentioned in its chapter 04, "instead recommendations fo ACI 350 are followed, fs CHECK in steel, reinf spacing and dia etc. Also I found load applied for shrinkage stresses in some advanced models from high level consultts althu i don't have full knowledge how to calculate that load, any feed back for it would be appreciated
    1 point
  2. There could be number of scenarios. For code based design, that does not involve ground motions, I do not think it will matter. May be for horizontal cantilevers, you can use it; I am not sure. If you are running ground motions (NLTHA, or some other analysis), and site is close to fault, then it can be critical for some structures depending on time history records.
    1 point
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