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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/22 in all areas

  1. Why dont you simply assign insertion point to model this eccentricity? If you are having a frame, You can assign these insertion points to either the beam or the column a per situation? You can offset any end of member (Column or Beam) by this method to model eccentricity. If you are having a frame, and want to model the eccentricity at a specific joint, select the member at that joint (the member which is offest from center lines) and go to assign manu--> Assign insertion Point--> and assign desired offset nd desired axis. But dont forget to uncheck DON'T TRANSFORM STIFFNESS otherwise only geometry will be offset instead of stiffness i.e. required in calculations by the software. If you having only one column, You can also o the same, You want to provide eccentricity. You can either offset your load point as said by sir Rana, or you can offset your column centroidal axis by applying required offset in insertion points in desired axis. again dont forget to uncheck DON'T TRANSFORM STIFFNESS.
    1 point
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