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  1. UmarMakhzumi

    Raft Modifier

    I have worked with some engineers that like to assign high stiffness modifiers to rafts to get conservative flexural and shear design of foundation. Assigning modifiers would increase amount of rebar in your raft. I personally think that this is good practice as nothing is perfectly rigid and cracking in inevitable, which would result in loss of inertia and high flexural stresses. The general procedure is to create two models. One with no stiffness modifiers and one with modifiers for foundation/ raft. You should use the first model to calculate piles reactions and the second to do flexural and shear design. Thanks.
    1 point
  2. Here are a few links that would give you basic information, to start with the design of steel deck slabs: 1. Composite Steel Floor Deck - Slabs - Steel Deck Institute (http://www.sdi.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/SDI_ANSI_C_2011.pdf) 2. COMPOSITE SLABS AND BEAMS USING STEEL DECKING-Best Practice Guide-SCI Publication P300 ( http://smdltd.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/SCI-Publication-P300-MCRMA-TP-No.-013-Best-Practice-Guide-REVISED-EDITION.pdf) 3. Composite Deck Catalog - ASC Steel Deck (http://www.ascsd.com/files/floordeck.pdf) 4. Metal Decking Design Guide - New Millennium Building Systems (http://www.newmill.com/pdfs/DeckDesignGuide.pdf) 5. Design of composite steel deck floors for fire (http://www.steelconstruction.info/Design_of_composite_steel_deck_floors_for_fire) If I remember correctly, there is a design example in composite floor design chapter of steel design textbook by McCormac, for calculating number and sizes of shear studs as well. Regards.
    1 point
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