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  1. This is related to Direct Analysis Method of AISC 360-05, given in Appendix 7 of Part 16.1 of AISC Steel Construction Manual 13th edition 2005. Application of this method, using ETABS, SAP2000 etc, has been explained in the following link: https://wiki.csiamerica.com/download/attachments/9538116/AISC360-05+Direct+Analysis+Method.pdf One-way of of checking practical implication of this message is to run the analysis & design twice. Once 'WITHOUT reiteration' and second time 'With reiteration' of analysis and design. Comparing the results of the two runs for the frame members affected by this error, you may very well be clear about how much crucial this error is. Please share the conclusions here too, for updating the knowledge of other forum members.
    1 point
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