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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/24 in all areas

  1. I have been a regular user of this forum and have learned a lot of topics and concepts from the discussions led by our seniors. However, it seems that over the past two years, the activity on this forum has decreased due to the creation of WhatsApp groups for structural engineering discussions. While WhatsApp groups provide quick answers, they lack proper documentation. Discussions on WhatsApp quickly vanish in the chat history, whereas this forum maintains a record of valuable discussions. Engineers may ask questions in WhatsApp groups for quick responses, but continuing the discussion on this forum ensures that valuable insights are documented and accessible for current and future reference.
    1 point
  2. Apply to local offices. Islamabad has a lot of forms! Make sure you get sucked into a company that keeps you on u paid internships. Entertain paid jobs only. Apart from that, read code, books and literature. Good Luck. Thanks .
    1 point
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