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Everything posted by UmarMakhzumi

  1. i would say to keep it diagonal if "siginifact" torsion is there. The would reduce cracking possibility.
  2. Normally they sign board would be moving in the plane of force. Resonance is a factor, but it only gets triggered when board moves up and down. I havent seen something like this all my life. I am glad wasnt driving there that day.
  3. Its parallel & perpendicular to slab diagonal. I dont have any drawing but I remember this from class.
  4. Hi Everyone, This happened 2/3 days ago. What do you think about it. http://www.theprovin...fCUOHTk2qSvwErf I would say, vortex shedding can move it like that.. whats your take?? Reagrds,
  5. Torsion is there at slab corners, where you can provide extra reinfo to cater for it. Likewise, Edge beams get subject to torsion. Do you have a specific question about a given slab that you is think is subjected to torsion and moment or you are asking just for information? if its just for information, I would recommend any text book. Normally, every concrete design book covers it, if you are asking for a specific problem, post images here. thanks
  6. Zip it and attach. Rana is right.. check loading and input parameters like sway.
  7. http://www.aleckassociates.co.uk/structural-engineering/history-of-structural-engineering-the-pantheon/ sheds light on the structural engineering aspects of Pantheon.
  8. its a chapter from a book about pile design. Good read. design-of-piled-foundation.pdf
  9. 2nd one is unstable so, a very very small force can result in to displacement. You cant quantify it. Thats is why you term it unstable.
  10. It is not converted. There can be cases. Reasons random.
  11. Thanks! I dont mind. The page is lovely! Good Work! Cheers!
  12. I just came across this. Here is an article by AISC that addresses that. Its not allowed anymore and reasons are in the article. 13rd stress increase AISC.pdf
  13. What we used to do in our firm was to model a simple 4 column structure and check loading manually before shifting to a new etabs version. You many find different cracks by different people for same etabs version. Some do it right, others dont. Just run a simple model check & remember softwares can never replace judgement.
  14. You need to throw stones @ your own self, for you are the stone and you are the dog. If you want to be successful
  15. Here is the book. DESIGN_OF_CONCRETE_TANK.part1.rarDESIGN_OF_CONCRETE_TANK.part2.rar I have splitted it into two parts as max file size is 10mb and book is 14mb. Download both part, keep them together and unrar part 1. It will auto unrar all the book. have fun and do enlighten us with some useful things that you would come across.
  16. If you only walk on sunny days, you will never reach your destination.
  17. I have a book but there is an upload problem, I am troubleshooting that. As soon as i get over, i will post it.
  18. If life throws lemons at you, make a lemonade!
  19. Dont trust a thing that bleeds for 5 days and doesnt dies! lol
  20. Life is tough, wear a helmet
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