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Kamran Munir

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Kamran Munir last won the day on October 27 2021

Kamran Munir had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lahore, Pakistan
  • University
    NUST, University of Sheffield
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  1. If you are mentioning the water tank walls supported on a frame structure I would preferably address them as retaining walls not as shear walls and detail them as retaining walls. The columns should be extended to the top slab as the water tank walls (retaining walls) will be spanning between them. Extending the the column through the tank should be done to complete the frame. I have come across some tank designs in which the columns were extended through the tank.
  2. actually i did it wit pushover analysis on drain 3dx and then some matlab code to produce the vulnerability curves.....
  3. well it depends how u present ur self more than goin strat fr masters after BE or with xperinc...there r dzn of xamples of ppl vin gud carreer with immediate masters after BE and also the other side whrere even xperince n masters didn get them wat they wanted....so wen u think ur ready fr it jus do it...waste less time on thinkin till u get more responsibilities to shoulder.....jus chill n go fr it...
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