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Zoya Hassan

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Zoya Hassan last won the day on July 10 2014

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    civil engineering

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  1. I have problem understanding the concept of member force diagram for frame elements.... when i select moment 3-3 component then it shows the moment diagram in 2-2 axis... and similarly for moment 2-2 which it shows in local 3-3 axis.... so when i select moment 3-3 etabs displays the moment diagram in 2-2 direction i-e i will bend in local 2-2 axis but selecting 3-3 should show bending along 3-3 axis... also 3-3 moment is maximum... any body can help me in this regard may be i got confused with this terminology but i searched alot on this...
  2. My question is that what should i put in top and bottom cover values while defining beams and column. by default etabs gives the cover values but they vary with sizes like 2.5 inch 2.7 etc
  3. Assalam o alaikum kindly suggest me some good books regarding structural engineering which are must for some one who want to be in this field.. thanks just name and author i will find them by myself just need some good stuff
  4. i have came across discussion on this topic and it was like this. what u will say abut this discussion is it true or not Triangular loading on shorter side beams of slab equivalent UDL For BM computations w (equivalent) = w*Lx /3 For SF computations w (equivalent) = w*Lx /4 Trapezoidal loading on Longer side beams of slab equivalent UDL For BM computations w (equivalent) =( 3-m^2)*w*Lx /6 For SF computations w (equivalent) = ( 2-m)*w*Lx /4 where Lx/Ly=m Lx= short span of slab
  5. actually i was saying this because i have seen an example where only shear walls and slab were used so what type of structue will be this in which there are only shear wall and slabs standard name for such structure ? if u can refer any good book regarding such concepts?? i will agree with baz that some engineers use this term. most of residential structure is of brick masonary so people use this load bearing term for such structure
  6. @rana i did this p-delta and after checking it shows that "iteration converged' and it also shows values fr displacement change and current displacemnt magnitdue what does this iteration converged means and thse displacmnt values? what shuld be their limts are thy imprtnt
  7. i have confusion regarding type of structure. load bearing are those where load is transfered through load bearing walls having no beams and columns so my question is that this term is only used for masonary walls? or it also covers shear walls if we have lets say 20 story building in which there are slabs and only shear walls having no beams and columns so this type of structure will come under load bearing structure or not?
  8. jazakALLAH and for service load combo when we select ASD for steel frame then the combination which are generated are based on which code as it is not mentioned
  9. jazakALLAH and if i have load cases Dead, partition wall, flooring and live then i have to use 1.2 for dead, partn and flooring or only for dead ?
  10. in p-delta parameters what is the use of maximum iterations? and what are the combination and their scale factors we should put there?
  11. thnks for it. i will search this whole forum and for what purpose we check drift and in which type of structure we have to check drift values and how can i check them?? and this DL multiplier is for IBC if i use UBC then. it will be of that 0.55CaID
  12. after analysis of this file it shows these warning * * * W A R N I N G * * * THE SOLUTION LOST 6.1 DIGITS OF ACCURACY FOR DOF UZ OF JOINT 10431 LOCATED AT X = 1975.750, Y = 519.000000, Z = 132.000000, STIFFNESS MATRIX DIAGONAL VALUE = 3.9204E+09 why such errors occur and what to do then
  13. thanks ayesha and all of u people it worked i compared my manual combination with auto generated and i'll try my best to refer my colleagues in this forum its great to see such forum of pakistan and one last thing i define all 6 cases of earthquake is it right or i should only go for 4 cases leaving first 2 of simple x and y? and we only need service load combination for foundation design so why we define all the combination for that also ? and as auto genertd combination are for ultimate design so is there any way to get auto genereated service load combo
  14. @umar Makhzumi u said that (Make sure, have your loads at default eccentricity because that can effect your results a lot) i did not got this point? can u define it more??
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