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Hasnain Khan

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Everything posted by Hasnain Khan

  1. One way to remedy for torsional irregularity will be to take the square of max lateral displacement ratio divided by 1.2 <3.0. Multiply it with accidental torsion (5% in most cases) and define new static loads based on this? Correct?
  2. Hello, I have recently joined a structural engineer, and trying to get myself familiar with the norms of practice, so I have some basic questions which I haven't been able to get answers of sufficiently. After modelling the structure in ETABS I'm trying to find out how to interpret the values of shear and torsion reinforcement given in design outputs. I have tried to find the answers by codes, manuals but haven't succeeded. Even asking my colleagues haven't given a satisfying answer, as everyone has his/her own way of interpreting these values. Thanks,
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