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Everything posted by wakas

  1. a soil report was investigated when water table at depth of 1m,during construction water table raise up to NGL due to seasonal canal runing excavation of foundation is deeper than water table will cause seepage of water in excavation my question is bearing capacity and shear properties of soil is same in this condition, we can not provide footing at required depth any recomendation
  2. a soil report was investigated when water table at depth of 1m,during construction water table raise up to NGL due to seasonal canal runing excavation of foundation is deeper than water table will cause seepage of water in excavation my question is bearing capacity and shear properties of soil is same in this condition, we can not provide footing at required depth any recomendation
  3. And how we decide seismic design category for zone 2B?
  4. is sog steel connect with plinth beam or not? i observe that when we connect with plinth beam vibration is transfer through col to first floor
  5. thanks can we design beam and col if i hve a double tee 0f 60 ft span rather than a slab there is a no connectivity of slab and beam in double tee
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