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Everything posted by miski

  1. I am looking for this book and I havent found it yet , If you have this book upload it on mediafire please...
  2. I want to know the name of book as in this chapter there are references which I have to verify/quote in my design calculations and I have checked the example of single pile capacity from Bowles- chapter 16 which is also very easy.
  3. yeah every frame Element has its torsion constant which you can find in the Property Modifier of that Element. At the time of defining any col or beam than giving the size and depths of that element you can see ''property modifier'' where you can find torsional constant. My boss has told me to use 0.7 for col instead of 1 and 0.01 for beams instead of 1. now i am trying to figure it out why we uses this..I will get you when i found this answer...
  4. Plz find the Attachment 111787340-ETABS-Example-RC-Building-With-Shear-Wall.pdf
  5. Shear walls are defined as a Walls. you can go to Define > wall/slab/deck section > wall section i have attached the tutorial of 5 storey building ,you can find the Design of shear wall on page 41 and onwards. its simple and it is defined in the same way like any other member e.g slab or columns etc. help yourself
  6. okay you mean to say that we have to do it manually...i ll check ETABS 2013 DETAILING. Thanks.
  7. heyy, Salam I want to inquire that after u have done Design procedure in Etabs .you got the Reinforcement in beams and colums ,You got the reinforcement value at 3 different parts in beams and one value in columns .now my questions is Does Etabs has any utility to show us the bar dia and sizes i.e Detailing in beams and Columns.?? or we have to do it manually. I have seen many tutorials regarding etabs but there main focus is how to create model but i didnt found out this part in any tutorial.although Creating a model is very important but as a new user i want to know how it is done. Thanks,
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