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    saudi arabia
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    UET peshawar
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    Albawani Co. Saudi arabia

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  1. excellent discussion above and this is what I usually practice for buried RC water tank. Just to add to Mr syed umair excellent discussion ACI 350-20 is now released and chapter 7 is shifted to chapter 12 where the min reinf criteria is also modified to min, max restraint instead of spacing of movement joints etc. Regarding Er Makhzumi explanation, I would add one imp point that ACI 224, althu mentioned 0.1mm crack width for liquid tight strs, however ACI 224 is not applicable to environ.. engg strs as mentioned in its chapter 04, "instead recommendations fo ACI 350 are followed, fs CHECK in steel, reinf spacing and dia etc. Also I found load applied for shrinkage stresses in some advanced models from high level consultts althu i don't have full knowledge how to calculate that load, any feed back for it would be appreciated
  2. How I landed here through google is that I was looking for "how to assign soil profiles columns in etabs? another path google showed to me is "https://wiki.csiamerica.com/display/etabs/Soil+profiles+and+isolated+column+footing". @Husam: In above method that you mentioned, only strength design can be carried out, but the important thing for iso footings is the stability, overturning and sliding which can't be checked this way!
  3. cordially, for clarification, (perpendicular to surface )shear is V23 for the walls. F11,22,12 are in plane forces. F22 vertical, f11 horizontal, F12: seems in plane shear of shell elements like in finite element analysis. V13: shear along x axis or horiz. have a look at difference bw shell local axes and pier local axes, also global axes
  4. For walls: F11 in this case is along X axis. F22 along Z axis. Local axes color code: RGB: red, green, blue for LOCAL axes of the shell Red 1: along X Green 2:along Z(white in case of sap2000) vertical blue 3: Perp. to surface or Y axis.
  5. invaluable piece of info but should I say that these are Ss and S1 values rather than SDS and SD1 as you said. thanks again!
  6. Underlying Dataset SS S1 GSHAP 1.74 0.70 USGS OFR 0.92 0.33 Location : 35.83938°N 71.78004°E Similar values from multiple sources is not necessarily indicative of small uncertainty, as some of the sources use the same underlying datasets. Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program · SS = 1.74 g · S1 = 0.70 g These values are rough approximations based on the probabilistic 10%-in-50-year peak ground accelerations (PGA's) from GSHAP. The GSHAP values are multiplied by 2 to approximate 2%-in-50-year PGA values, and then multiplied by 2.5 and 1.0, respectively, to estimate SS and S1. USGS Open-File Report 2007-1137 · SS = 0.92 g · S1 = 0.33 g These values are probabilistic 2%-in-50-year spectral response accelerations. Corresponding deterministic values that the International Building Code would use to cap these probabilistic values (where they are greater than 1.5g and 0.6g, respectively), have not yet been computed for this region.
  7. Ss and S1 values obtained from GSHAP are Ss=1.13 & S1= 0.45 where as that from USGS OFR are Ss=0.78 & S1=0.224 for town (Thana District Malakand) out of USA. Can I input these values in ETABS directly; if yes then which one OR do I need some further calculation based on these values? thanks for your guidance! Pakistan building code 2007 is based on UBC 97 where as I want to design based on latest IBC code...
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