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saleem khan

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saleem khan last won the day on June 20 2014

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  • Gender
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  • University
    UET, Peshawar
  • Employer
    M.Sc. Structural Engineering
  • Interests
    Structural Engineering

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  1. I want to design a raft foundation at one level and elevator raft which is 4 feet below the bottom of the building raft. How will I model it as one foundation in csi safe properly?
  2. Dear Juli, Etabs has designed the beam for the reqiured moment of 75 kip-ft. You are comparing middle positive moment with end positive value which of course will be different because of SMRF reqiurements. Etabs either reports max. Positive value and min. negative or vice versa for beam moment. There shoud be no confusion now.
  3. Hello everyone, I hope all of you will be fine. In etabs when we apply Response Spectrum loading on a multistoried building with 2 basement floors. At what floor level this loading will be applied as in equivalent static seismic analysis, we can apply EQX & EQY on any floor we like as this option is available in etabs but the problem is with response spectrum and time history analysis. please if someone knows and have the experince, share it i shall be very thankful.
  4. Assalam-o-Alaikum, if moment contours are available for slab after FE of slab,in csi safe how i will average these moments over short areas for reinforcements placement if slab is irregular.Suggestions needed
  5. if i use parallel and perpendicular strips throught the slab irrespective of the position of columns,beams,walls etc and then distribute reinforcements in that strips what you think about this.
  6. Assalam-o-Alikum everyone, if moment contour for slab is available after analysis of slab in csi safe,for designing this slab safe will calculate reinforcements for every slab element i-e mesh element after that how i will distribute these reinforcements throught the slab because bending moment varies from one slab element to other.
  7. can i check concrete frame element stresses in etabs after analysis.for steel frame element it is available but for concrete frame element i did not find it.give me suggestions if someone have.
  8. what will be my analysis model for this case.
  9. AOA.If the foor plan of a building consists of walls columns,beams etc at different location to make it more complex to draw design strips.can i draw any design strips parallel and perpendicular to each other without taking into account the position of columns, beams, walls etc throught the slab to design it.
  10. i am using csi safev12 for modeling piled raft foundation.i draw raft and piles but i am unable to assign springs along the length of piles in csi safe.line springs can be assigned to beam element but i did not find to assign line springs to column i-e piles below raft.
  11. how to calculate lateral spring stiffness for basement wall to simulate the soil around wall in etabs.what formula i will used to calculate it?
  12. i want to model beam whose ends are resting on masonry wall in etabs,if i assign hinge or roller support to end points of beams how the load,moments and shear will transfer to below elements if it is a mulistorey building
  13. for what purpose section cut forces are used in design practice? is section cuts forces are used for slab design?
  14. salaam,where slab and beam are connected to each other in etabs by defualt when they are drawn?
  15. AOA:i want to connect my slab flush with the underside of beam in etabs but there is no option insertion point of shell to frame objects in etabs or if it is i have not found yet .cardinal points apply only to frame objects.
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