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EngrUzair last won the day on March 26 2023

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About EngrUzair

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    MSU USA & UET Taxila
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    Structural loading, RC design, Steel design, Fire damaged structures, Structural evaluation & rehabilitation

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  1. AA. Following links & publications may be helpful in this regard: 1. Structural design for substations (https://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=492373) 2. ASCE Manual 113 (2008) Section 3.1.8 3. IEEE Standard 605 4. Reevaluation of IEEE Standard 605's Calculation of Short Circuit Force on Rigid Busbar Structures (https://www.epri.com/research/products/1021917) Regards.
  2. AA. Soil bearing capacity is provided by the client in the shape of site-specific soil investigation report (SSSIR), prepared by a geotechnical engineer for the site area where building is to be constructed. If SSSIR is not available, client should be asked to arrange the same for proper design of foundation. Regards.
  3. Assalamo alaikum! Good quality seismic hazard maps of BCP-2021 and Tabulated values of Short-period Spectral Acceleration Ss & Long-period Spectral Acceleration S1 etc. for major cities of Pakistan, are available at this Link. Regards.
  4. Assalamo Alaikum! Building Code of Pakistan 2021 edition has been printed. PDF version of the same is available at the following link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/154K6RIJ0QZJCJ0Q4HsYl-KVqMuJZZF_o/view?fbclid=IwAR3mWSF1X5xBWywdz3-l1kKt7C4HSQi6D4RYZ5RMS0q-eRZ9GGIj8-vJEUk Regards.
  5. AA. Link of a catalogue, providing information about cross-sectional details & weights of different types of steel shapes available in Pakistan, is given below. It also contains list, thicknesses and weights of plain and corrugated steel sheets. Moreover, information about steel door chowkhats is also given therein. Shared for the benefit of all those interested. Regards. Link:- https://www.mwpbnp.com/downloads/Catalogue-mwpbnp.com.pdf
  6. AA. Snowfall data of Murree, for the period from Jan 2017 to Mar 2020 has received. It is attached below for the information of all those interested. Data for the earlier period has already been uploaded in a previous post. Regards.
  7. AA. Depending upon whether you want to follow American or European codes, following references might be helpful in learning the design of bridges: 1. Based on American codes a. Design of Highway Bridges_An LRFD Approach by Barker and Puckett b. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications c. AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design d. Design of Modern Steel Railway Bridges by Unsworth e. AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering (MRE) 2. Based on European codes (Eurocode) a. Designers Guide to Eurocode 1_Actions on Bridges b. Designer's Guide to EN 1992 Eurocode 2 Design of Concrete Structures Part-2 Concrete Bridges c. Designers' Guide to Eurocode 8 - Design of Bridges for Earthquake Resistance EN 1998-2 d. Bridge Design to Eurocodes Worked examples (European Commission Joint Research Centre) Regards.
  8. There is a large difference between section properties of the required and the available steel girders. Required major section modulus Sx is 3.63 times that of the available girder. It means that capacity of the available girder has to be increased to about 4-times its present capacity. It might not be an easy or even cost effective task.
  9. Check out the following books:- 1. Ground Improvement by Kirsch and Bell (CRC Press) 2. Principles and Practices of Ground Improvement by Jie Han (Wiley) 3. Soil Improvement and Ground Modification Methods by Nicholson (Elsevier) 4. Ground control and improvement by Xanthakos et al. (John Wiley and Sons) 5. Ground Improvement Techniques by Purushothama Raj Regards.
  10. Dear Mr. Uzair,

    i would like to ask regarding etab shear wall design comparison between etab 9.7.4 and etab 16.

    I checked the flexure design of a pier in old version the percentage is 0.81% where as in new version it is 1.77% . Huge difference. Old version of etab shows less reinforcement percentage for flexure compared to new version. Any justification regarding will be highly appreciated.



    1. EngrUzair


      Thanks @FzAhfor having confidence in me, for referring your confusion. However, it is better to post your question on SEFP subforum titled "Software Issues", due to following reasons:-

      Firstly, I use ETABS 9.7.4 & NOT ETABS 16. As such, I am unable to answer your question.

      Secondly, if you search the forum, it is possible that the requisite information is already available there, in reply to some previous query.

      Thirdly, many members of the forum are experienced users of etabs, capable of using both the old & new versions. Posting your question in the proper sefp forum will enable them to respond to your question. This is not possible for them while you post your problem in my profile.

      Fourthly, posting the question on main forum & its replies will be beneficial for other forum users as well.


  11. Modelling of different building portions in a single model might be necessary to safeguard against seismic pounding of adjacent building portions, in certain conditions (e.g., different heights, varistion in stiffnesses, insufficient gap) More details, regarding pounding effect in buildings, are available at the following Link.
  12. You will need to try a column having a larger cross-sectional dimensions. It should not be hard to manually calculate the required column size, using the required axial compression capacity, according to the applicable material design code.
  13. It would be better to include the different portions of the building, separated by expansion joints, in a combined model as well, in order to study the behavior of structural elements located adjacent to expansion joints. For this purpose, the members (columns etc)across the expansion joints may be connected through provision of a strip footing or a raft.
  14. Warnings are clear in details (i.e. type of warning & their locations). You need to correct the problems mentioned in the warnings, through merging or deleting/redrawing the members or elements, one by one. In the essence, there should be no warning message, on using Check Model command. Otherwise, the structure would not be correctly modelled.
  15. Autodesk Revit is in fact not a structural software. Rather, it is a software used mainly for saving architecture & construction related building information (for example, 3-dimensional building layout, wall & floor types, finishes etc.), in order to visualize the building geometry, preparation of bills-of-quantities and control construction related activities. Revit does not carry out structural analysis or design directly. The geometrical & loading information from Revit however can be exported to Autodesk Robot software for structural analysis. Revit may be very useful in architecture, estimation and construction fields, but, not in the structural analysis or design. Because, the quantum of structural output obtainable from Revit is not worth the time and effort required to model the whole structure in Revit for getting some structural output. Structural modelling otherwise can be done more easily & speedily. Therefore, IMHO, there is no use of wasting time on learning Revit, in case you are interested in structural analysis & design only. HTH Regards
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