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Haneen Bdoor

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Everything posted by Haneen Bdoor

  1. Thank you very much,i will check the joints and see what happens
  2. Salam everyone, i want to attach my etabs model to learn about the problems in it,i meshed the shell elements but when i run it there apears to be warning masseges about lost digits of accuracy. my etabs version is 9.7.4 thank you. model.rar
  3. Salam everyone Eid Mubarak i have this kind of discontinuity in my etabs model when drawing ribbed slab, i tried many times and i couldn't get it right, i want to know if its going to affect my results knowing that i checked the model for warning and no warnings appeared.
  4. hi, i have an irregular building modeled in etabs it has both membrane and shell slabs what is the best way to mesh it ? i have tried auto mesh but it gives warning messages i also read that we use auto mesh for membrane slab and manual mesh for shell slab is that true ? thank you.
  5. when drawing a column on etabs does the center of the column have to be on the grid line?
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