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G_Farooq last won the day on October 24 2022

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    NED University of Engineering & Technology
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    Learning new technologies and new softwares; programming for structural engineering

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  1. Here is a link. Hope it help https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/seismic-behavior-comparison-infill-wall-strut-models-using-hasılcıo/ or You can use FEMA-356 chapter 7, section 7.5 for linear and nonlinear modelling of infill walls.
  2. Physical properties of glass Fiber https://www.fiberglass-afi.com/fiberglass-properties.htm
  3. I do not have SAP2000 v24, but reviewed your excel file. Your design seems to be ok. I have designed/used these type of stairs in various projects, the recent one in Karachi. But always from an RCC wall. Just make sure that ring spacing provided and anchor bar length in wall is as per seismic detailing rules.
  4. BCP 2021 is now available on PEC website. It has tables for Ss and S1 values. So check there. Remember you have to use ACI 318-14 now as a design code. So lots of changes there also. Here is the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lqD7QvQ7Auo3yDM3Vd05tmbRnoYD-icm/view
  5. Sit and think about you are doing and saying Arsalan ......... "the designs are just for Municipality purposes". If you need help, you have this forum, the net, your teachers.... Here is a post for you.
  6. No, it is not the amplified shear. It is the shear value calculated as per chapter 21 of ACI code for intermediate(ACI 12.3.3) and special moment(ACI 12.2 frames, i.e. shear capacity based on probable moment strength and by doubling the seismic shear. However, in both Etabs 2016 and 2017, there is a program bug, which reports inflated numbers for shear. I have reported this to CSI and this bug has been removed in the 2018 version of the program.
  7. Metal Deck profile P-3623 is Zamil Steel deck. It has an in built shear studs, so yes it is a composite decking, which can the be supported through non-composite steel joists. Hope this an attached file clear the issue ZS-PEB-Steel-Deck.pdf
  8. Yeah, Pakistan Building code is being used, but only for seismic zoning determination, as far as I know. May be someone, somewhere is using it for more. Its mostly based on UBC97 provisions, which is an obsolete code internationally. It was to be updated in 2014-15, I think, but nothing is being done. As, us, as a nation need disasters like oct 2005 to wake up. @Ayesha Etabs is not, not the "best structural software on planet". There are plenty of other software's out there, with way better interfaces, results accuracy and reporting methods then Etabs.
  9. Shell and Joint Diaphragm both serve the same purpose but assigning diaphragms to shell objects is preferable as it will automatically constrain internally created joints. Just make sure that if you are using Joint diaphragm, your floor is manually meshed, fully, because any joints created by additional meshing will not have the constraint. While as explained above, for shell diaphragms, auto mesh can be used.
  10. Just delete/ erase your group assign. Save the model and close file. Import text file of model, the "$et" extension in a new blank model. check if there is any error or warning message. If no, do a relabel all, save and assign groups. Hopefully this will resolve the problem
  11. Use influence line, moving load case for bridge live loads. Multi step case gives lesser value of maximum moments then moving load pattern in Csi Bridge. The number of vesicles and their lateral spacing depends upon the Code and type of loading you are applying.
  12. Do check, what is the type of column SAFE is using to calculate the punching shear. This can be checked by right clicking at column point or punching shear design output. Its a common problem in safe both v8 and v12 that it treats all columns as corner columns, despite their location, thereby reducing the concrete strength. This can be solved by selecting column point and assigning punching shear modifiers to them (corner, edge or interior).
  13. Dear Fawad, Dr Mona Liza of Quaid e Azam University Islamabad has done a lot of work on this. You can also consult Dr Qaiser of Uet Peshwar and Dr Shoaib Ahmad (Zeinth International). He is working on the same thing
  14. Bahria Icon tower is designed for Seismic zone 2B. Actually it has 3 towers, the tallest 70 story, middle one 35 and another smaller one. it has 7 basements. foundation is piled raft, slabs are composite. the main tower is a tublar structures with out riggers at 3 levels. WSP procured wind tunnel test data for the design of building.
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