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    sir syed university of engineering and technology
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    structure design of building and bridge...

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  1. @najamsethi and go....

  2. @GaeSoap @mangobaaz buht mushkil he...

  3. @76Shadabkhan @thePSLt20 @IsbUnited @TheRealPCB @EngrMehtab_khan @RealHa55an ye batao ye english Micky author se li… https://t.co/MLQT44sCfZ

  4. @BBL @MitchJohnson398 hahahahahaha

  5. @AzharAli_ fruits of t10...

  6. @MuhammadWasim77 @sportsdrzaf @AzharAli_ only 42.... i think that is too much....

  7. @Yasherss this is not true because what they are seeing is the answer and no body knows...

  8. @hecpkofficial u r not doing any thing for Balochistan students who r studying in sindh

  9. @mirzaiqbal80 if they select the deserving one how they will be called pakistani

  10. RT @AamirLiaquat: #RohingyaMuslims https://t.co/FqomqwHKik

  11. RT @AamirLiaquat: روہنگیاہ بچی کا سر قلم کرنے والوں کے خلاف نہ قلم اُٹھ رہے ہیں نہ زبانوں کی گرہیں کھل رہی ہیں ان شا اللہ اپنی بساط کے مطاب…

  12. RT @pid_gov: 80 billionRs, 500km long #Kacchi Canal project is ready to irrigate 7,13,000 acres of land in #Balochistan after 15 years of i…

  13. RT @AnserAbbas: 9 yrs ago today,I lost my both arms+20 Membrs of my family Martyred in Suicide Blast-Still waiting 4 Justice #DIKhan https:…

  14. https://t.co/C4hJmGNWQn @aaliaaaliya check out off break bowling allrounders in domestic cricket

  15. @aaliaaaliya aap bhi to isi media ka hissa ho...

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