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  1. Rana, Would you please be able to tell me how to manually calculate the bending and shear stresses in a deep beam? They are different to a normal thin beam i believe. I can't find anything on it in Timoshenko book Any guidance is much appreciated thank you
  2. Thanks for response Rana, Its a deep beam so using Timoshenko formula for deflection (5/384)*(qL^4/EI) + (alpha*q*L^2/8AG). I got this formula from his book 'strength of materials'. To calculate the bending stress I was using the standard formula My/I....with the moment calculate as standard for a simply supported beam...not sure if this is correct so if you have any advice here it would be appreciated? I'm using LUSAS. I found that when I applied the support at mid height of beam that I got around 50% less deflection than when I applied the support at top/bottom of beam. Also my deflections calculated by hand more closely matched when beam supported at top/bottom which is contrary to what you were saying I should find??
  3. Hi Rana, Yes any advice to my issue?! I have the beam pinned at one end with a roller at the other end. I'm seeing a difference of ~40% in the deflection of the beam when the support is at the mid height to the when the support is at the bottom/top end Kind Regards Danny
  4. Hi, I have a problem with a simply supported deep beam which has a uniformly distributed load. The beam is simply supported at both ends but I have to consider the results for the following 3 scenarios - where the support is at the bottom of each end of the beam - where the support is at the mid point at each end of the beam - where support is at top of each end of the beam I have run this using FEA and I'm finding significantly different deflections and stresses when the beam is supported at the midpoint at its end and the other two scenarios...can anyone explain the exact reasoning for this? Sincere thanks Daniel
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