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Muhammad Abbas

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  1. Is it necessary to adjust insertion point accordingly for each element? i know it would economise the design but what is the easy way of adjusting insertion points?
  2. some one told me that there is a difference 30 % in result generate cracked ETBAS, but I am not sure.
  3. is there any difference between the result generated by cracked Etabs and original licensed Etabs?
  4. moment of inertia of cube is greater than that of the cylinder that is why it gives more strength
  5. thanks alot for your response.........let me study it first
  6. what is the simplified and correct and simplified way for load combination
  7. @ranna waseem....have you worked on ETABS for design of building?
  8. ACI 315 and also alot of detailing figures are available on internet.
  9. Aslamualakikum Everyone I am Muhammad Abbas, I have done Civil engineering from UET Peshawar, SEFP is a good way to communicate and share knowledge and experience, Its really appreciable effort wish you all the best.
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