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Aung Myat Thu

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Everything posted by Aung Myat Thu

  1. thanks for your question and answer. that's useful suggestion for me also.
  2. Who has ETABs 2013 version?

  3. Dear Sir, Please explain briefly. What is the value in assigning Area Spring? Direction is Local Axis-3. According to my friend, this value is depending on the bearing capacity(B.C) of soil. For example, for 2.24 ksf of B.C, this value is 2.24 x12 = 26.88, he said. But, I am not sure about this value and reason. So, explain briefly for my question. With bundle of thanks, Aung Myat thu MilLimetRe-training & Design Group Taunggyi, Shan State, Myanmar 0936048015, 09260329221
  4. Please Explain OMRF, IMRF and SMRF splice length locations. And these locations can be omitted and changed in structure of seismic zones.
  5. Thank You Very Much Sir. Could you give a name or link of FEM book you preferred? Guide me if you have time to teach us, thank you Sir.
  6. I also would like to know the answer for this topic. Please explain shell stresses/forces of etabs after analysis.
  7. I would like to know about using ETABs 2013. Could you share me a link for downloading this software.

  8. Academic Engineering = Forever Teaching + Eternal Learning
  9. “The technical man must not be lost in his own technology. He must be able to appreciate life; and life is art, drama, music, and most importantly, people.” Fazlur R. Khan (I like this topic and now I am here to learn from you all, my new structural engineering friends. I am a lecturer in my small group, Millimetre-Training & Design Group, www.facebook.com/millimetretaunnggyi. Please share me all about engineering; theories, practices, knowledges, softwares, ebooks, magazines, scholarships, friendships, and so on. As for me, Academic Engineering=Forever Teaching+Eternal Learing. Deeply, I'll treasure your online-friendships!)
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