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Juli last won the day on August 5 2016

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    Khulna, Asst. Design Engineer
  • Interests
    Etabs,Structural loading, RC design, Steel design

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  1. Thanks a lot. So now can you please tell me in short if you don't mind please, that the using of SAP why better or you prefer for steel analysis and member sizing than ETABS? What privileges I will get better in SAP than ETABS for steel? And also, so for connection design or baseplate, Can I do that from connection loads or forces output from SAP and in RAM connection if you know, as I will have to learn that and I am not in touch with any fabricator ? Thanks again for hanging out with me and providing informative information, I am really grateful And please help with these issues I posted another thread and now deleting and so posting here : 1. Hello.. can you please explain simply that when I will assign pinned support and when fixed in ETABS? Please do not mention huge geotechnical issues here as they just sometime make it much more complex, you please explain it simply with soil condition basing or footing based. 2. Does etabs automatic count for long columns, i mean if a column is slender column, will etabs will design it considering slender column design process and length factors? or will I have to do it manually and if so, how? 3. If I assign fixed support, then what would be for baseplate design consideration? biaxial moment should be considered or fixed isn't ok for baseplate? 4. When exporting slab from etabs to safe, will i need to export lateral load combos also for moment consideration? Same for footing in Safe, I am exporting etabs base reactions for footing design in Safe (isolated or combined), now will i need the al load combos like for horizontal forces or moments also? Or just like only gravity load combination reactions need to be exported? 5. It's ok that when I do P delta effect assigned, that means when I am doing 2nd order analysis in Etabs, then I am using section modifier value for frames and slabs ( Like as ACI directs .7 for column, .35 for Beam, .25 fo shell etc. ), But if I don't perform 2nd order analysis, i,e P delta analysis, then do I need to change the default modifiers ( that are 1 ), or if I do change, then is it wrong? Thanks
  2. Thanks a lot for your nice and clear explanation, it's very helpful and informative and I have got the point. One fact is, you have said that simplifying the detailing would be better by subdivided beam into 4-equal parts, before analysis. Can you explain this please? So do I need to subdivide the beams? I generally mesh also all the beams by selecting all the frames in Etabs 2015. Best wishes..
  3. Hello.. so after analyzing in SAP, for baseplate design and connection, can I do it via SAP? or manually? or should I then use the values in another software and what? All I need is how can I easily and perfectly design steel connections and baseplate using ETABS or SAP?
  4. 1. Hello.. can you please explain simply that when I will assign pinned support and when fixed in ETABS? Please do not mention huge geotechnical issues here as they just sometime make it much more complex, you please explain it simply with soil condition basing or footing based. 2. Does etabs automatic count for long columns, i mean if a column is slender column, will etabs will design it considering slender column design process and length factors? or will I have to do it manually and if so, how? 3. If I assign fixed support, then what would be for baseplate design consideration? biaxial moment should be considered or fixed isn't ok for baseplate? 4. When exporting slab from etabs to safe, will i need to export lateral load combos also for moment consideration? Same for footing in Safe, I am exporting etabs base reactions for footing design in Safe (isolated or combined), now will i need the al load combos like for horizontal forces or moments also? Or just like only gravity load combination reactions need to be exported? Thanks
  5. Hello.. Is it possible to analysis and design a steel building fully with Etabs including purlin, rafter assigning? And also for connection design and baseplate, is ETABS connection menu is well enough or ok for modification and using practically? Or you experts are using any other soft for only steel connection design from etabs output? I mean I have tried TEKLA, but it seems to me only good for steel detailing, again in staadpro, there is RAM connection but I don't prefer staad pro for modeling complex and tall structures as the visual and graphics effect and also complex lengthy terms. But my seniors told me that staad pro is used and better for steel structures, for connection design etc, but I do prefer ETABS, I see there is connection design tab and procedures, but as I am new in steel learning, so can I do all things, connection, baseplate design, modify I mean as per AISC code everything change that I need in etabs for steel? Please suggest.Thanks in advance.
  6. Very good explanation.. But it's for column tie. Now can you please explain this term for beam shear reinforcement? For a beam, shear reinf value is shown at 3 locations, so is it also same as Av/s ? and also then which should be the distance long of 3 locations? I mean please explain from a etabs output of beam shear reinf result. I am attaching an image of 18 ft beam which etabs is showing the shear reinforcement value in sq-in at 3 locations, now detail the shear reinf for this beam and make the detailing of only shear reinforcement. Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks, But I have tried with Pattern Live load factor as 0, but same result and also again tried with 1 , but same result. But see the image, Etabs designing moment for the neg most at support, it's ok, but taking positive moment at that end, not on middle moment yet it is greater, See the image please and does this not occur to your models you create? Have you matched the moments that are taking etabs for designing are same with the moment diagram or is anything fault with me with Etabs?
  8. The general model and Envelope for the frame result I am attaching. You can check after running design that from frame moment and design moment varies. jtjytyj.EDB Envelope.pdf
  9. Q 1. Hello, The +ve and -ve moment of a beam from it's member force Diagram of Etabs (M33) are 75.89 and -94.23, After designing, When I see the summary report, I see Etabs designed that beam for counting exactly neg moment -94.23, but why taking +ve moment 47.11 in stead of 75.89 for designing? And Etabs is counting the half of total neg moment as design positive moment I see, but why not directly considering the positive moment shown on the frame force diagram? See the image please.. Q 2. Why serviceability checks (Drift, Story Displacement ) are only done manually for only considering EQx or EQy values? Why the values aren't checked for load combinations rather than just EQ?
  10. Thanks EngrUZAIR!!! Your comment is perfect in that case and I am also agree with you that there is no unique or one piece document that describes that all facts. OKK !! THANKS. Now,let me ask for help to this forum members that Can you please explain the terms of Interaction diagrams that will express why and when as well as how the terms work (i,e include phi, ex phi, inl phi & inc fy, what is fiber model data, MM,PM3 etc all details and when will I apply what in details please? In manual,these are not well described. Again, what is the function of mass source and how to handle with this? Which box is checked/unchecked in what cages in details..And please I desire comments in English.. Thanks !! Before commenting, please see my two attachments !! And all are in Etabs 2013.
  11. Hi ,Do you have any Pdf/Link/Video where can I find out every details on Etabs 2013 modeling, I mean not just manual or just example of their premade structures as I already have them. I am searching for those where I will be able to know each function such as details in Define tab( each on when and why will I use pier/ sprandel/functions/modal case/ Pdelta etc ; In assign tab,when to assign what in which cases -I mean when pier, when sprandrel, when modifiers,automesh and manually etc like this. So all I am asking for each details in a pdf or file where there will be a brief explanation on the each functions and each parameters? That would be a great help !! full.EDB
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