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Waqar Saleem

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Everything posted by Waqar Saleem

  1. R is response modification factor while overstrength factor is ohm , both are given in table 16N- Structural Systems UBC 97.
  2. Salam . what do you mean by theory I order and theory II order?
  3. Authorities have been making such arrangements that there officials having commissions and approving anything any structure. No rules and regulations have been followed anywhere. Even if any rules are followed in design approval no body can make sure that contractor will use the quality material. Poor construction practices and unethical behavior of engineers and willingly unawareness of community. Authorities/Engineers/Community all working together can avoid such incidents.
  4. it seems house with masonry walls, load on slabs will be transferred to walls, and that will go to foundations.
  5. @ chokhold This might help you but this is not the proper way to learn engineering, design learning process requires all senses wide open and best way to learn is having internship with a senior structural engineer. collecting reports and data can never clear your concepts.
  6. "Raakh" by Mustansar Hussain Tarrar and " How to read a Book" by Mortimer Adler , there are also video lectures of Sheikh Hamaza Yusuf on "How to read a Book" worth watching.
  7. @miski , hard-copy of book is available in india and pakistan, ask somebody or buy directly.
  8. contact Maj Qamar , he worked on similar topic, from MCE you can get his contact details.
  10. Funding Agencies Higher Education Commission (www.hec.gov.pk) Pakistan Science Foundation (www.psf.gov.pk) National ICT R&D Fund (http://www.ictrdf.org.pk) Pak-US Joint Academic & Research Program (http://publisher.hec.gov.pk/www.hec.gov.pk/pakus-rd) TWAS-COMSTECH Joint Research Grants (http://twas.ictp.it/prog/grants/) Human Frontier Science Program (www.hfsp.org) International Foundation for Science (http://www.ifs.se) Research & Advocacy Fund (www.rafpakistan.org) Talented Researcher Exchange Program (TRXP) (www.britishcouncil.org/inspire) Academy of Finland (http://www.aka.fi/en-gb/A/) Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (http://www.avh.de/en/index.htm) Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) (http://www.ausaid.gov.au) East WEST center (www.eastwestcenter.org) European Research Council (ERC) (http://erc.europa.eu) EU Funding and Grants (http://ec.europa.eu/index_en.htm) International Development Research Center (http://www.idrc.ca) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (http://www.jica.go.jp) Sigma Xi – The Scientific Research Society (http://www.sigmaxi.org ) The Asia Foundation:(www.asiafoundation.org) UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (www.unescap.org) The Islamic Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (ISESCO) (www.isesco.org)
  11. Otsruc.com is very good site to learn structural software ETABS/SAFE/SAP etc. developed by esteemed fellow Rana Waseem he is very good practicing structural engineer with excellent command on software. Along with joining courses you have to work with the software and only software is not the structural engineering you must work on the basics of structural engineering. Just modelling on software and getting results is not engineering. this exercise can be easily done by a matric pass student as well if he is trained to use the software. Engineers are required to grasp knowledge behind the software. Engineering judgment comes with practice and working under kind seniors who guide you through the design process. All young engineers are suggested to be attached with seniors and request them to guide and mentor you through the process. And seniors are requested to mentor at least 1-5 freshers:-)
  12. how to open the SAFE 14 version file in lower version? do the same to follow?
  13. UET peshawar earthquake center has shake table installed and have the things called actuators for generating EQ forces of 6DOF so you can take help from them.
  14. AOA uzair have answered the question very well i d like to add some bits to it . most beautiful way of learning the confusion out is to visit different offices(consultants/contractors/PE's) and construction sites, this will clear most of the doubts. Regards
  15. uzair i think that just qualification is not the criteria for geotech investigations experience is also improves judgement. we have geotech reports which are total mess and stamped by geotech engineers. on site there is fill and report tells refusal and vice versa. samples are collected by non technical personal and report is generated by copy paste method professionally. no calculations are provided for the bearing capacity or other parameters recommended in report just equations are written. and "sonay peh sohaga" there is no review of geotech report required or performed, what reports says you have to follow blindly. structural designs are vetted/reviewed but geotech report is not, i don't understand this. there are grey areas in RC design but there are total black areas in geotech. and these black areas lead to complex problems after construction and make structural designs to be blamed while good geotech report provide basis for the safe, economical design of structures. samples should be taken by trained technical staff and lab works must be monitored by geotech professioanl either a geologist or geotechnical engineer. better is geotechnical engineer. in pakistan contractors are performing investigations without any supervision and generating reports stamped by ill-professionals by minute sum of money. legal requirement is the report stamped and signed by a geotech consultant or geotech PE Regards
  16. Salam Offer group classes that will be more interactive and learning sessions also economize the fee. Regards
  17. Salam kindly comment on the attached response of a building,building is 3B+G+29,structural system is dual.this response is for 1.2D+1.6L.immediate above Lower ground level there is abrupt behavior why is it so?.seismic zone is 2B.building height is 470' shorter dimension is 160'. regards response.bmp
  18. Salam FYP topic should be of your interest. and like uzair mentioned check with your teachers which topics they are working in.At ungergrade level some work which is of practical knowledge is better than just theoretical/software based project. some FYP topics:- 1) model some real time/scaled down structural element beam/column/frame test it and than retrofit the same and check its performance again. 2)you may support this practical work with simulation but this will be over kill at this level 3)blast loading effects or progressive collapse is good for the present situation and you can specify safe building line for different blast loadings 4)work on local materials like aggregates/cements and other additives,cast cylinders/cubes check different properties 5)check performance of recycled aggregates against seismic loadings/blast loadings 6)target poor construction practices which is very serious issue in pakistan and support your view with experimental work suggest how constrcution practices can be improved 7)delay in completion of projects work on the locally delayed projects as case study 8)compare repairability/retrofitting of different structural systems with respect to time/cost/economy Regards
  19. Umar bhai it is suggested by a reviewer that instead of RSA perform Ritz ,so i compared the 2 .building is 128m high, smaller dim 36.5m, -4+G+29.zone 2B, wind 90mph. anyway which analysis should b perfromed
  20. Salam how do we compare the two? RSA and Ritz which analysis should be prefered in different cases Regards
  21. Salam what are the aspect ratio limits for slender buildings? how do we calculate it? any code references how slenderness effect designing process? Regards
  22. Salam hunting for job!!! it is easy and advantages to join some consultant or contractor as internee/trainee engineer, this will give you a good look into the professional life. You will be able to decide which way to go according to your interest and develop some professional contacts. Regards
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