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Waqar Saleem

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Everything posted by Waqar Saleem

  1. Salam Do modelling piles in CSI SAFE as springs is right practice or do we have to model actual piles.which one is better? any other easily available software for pile design? what are the critical points for pile design if one is doing peer review? how the pile cap behave?means how it transfer load to the group of piles. Regards
  2. @Adil building is along hillside ,@Umar piles are reinforced concrete, kindly share the different ways to establish the connection of pile and raft/pile cap
  3. this raft has piles below also i forget to tell.it has some piles 30m deep and some 3m .there is no chance that such building adjoining this building will be constructed in future. is it fine to have such a massive raft and piles?how the connection of pile and raft should be ?
  4. Salam Spans are varying 30 to 90 feet . i am not designing this project but visited for inspection and observed this.building is -8+G+7.i disscussed this to Imran zafar sab he said that raft concrete is in compression mainly and internal cracks will propagate outwards which will be taken care of by the T/B reinf so there is no need of any reinf at mid level but at exposed faces there should be reinforcement provided.there is no codal requirements Regards
  5. Salam How much rusting is allowed on steel reinforcement and how it will be checked on site?kindly refer some code reference . Regards
  6. This question is from khurram ali. aslamwalekum to all, many time it happens that beam that joining two shear wall failed in shear, if i increase its depth or width it takes more shear force than bofore and again fail and due to door opening i cant further increase its depth and shear wall thickness thickness is limited to 18 in so i cant increase its width also, can somebody guide me is there any method by which i can design this beam
  7. Salam there is a heavy raft of 6feet depth .Reinforcement is provided at top and bottom.is there any requirement of reinforcement in the middle of this T/B reinforcement for temperature/shrinkage control of this mass concrete.if there is any reference in any code kindly mention Regards
  8. Salam i need to clarify(i visited csi site also tried to contact csi sales but dint get response yet) 1-is there any difference between performance of cracked version and original software 2-is there software license available for small group of people 3-anybody using licensed software can comment on 1. Regards
  9. i am told once that no need to provide expansion joint in raft/footing . i provided no expansion joint in raft and provided 2" expansion joint in the building,so parallel columns along the joint were failing the raft in punching.but senior engineer said its ok columns will not punch.
  10. salam embedment length will be required even in simply supported beams as well, like in masonry structures.if embedment length is provided after cut off point normally L/4 or L/3, bars can be cut straight or hooks may be provided to remain safe.
  11. Thanx Umar bhai and Uzair sab, Jazakallah.members are failing mostly SAP2000 reports kl/r>200 which means buckling as stated by Umar sab 2nd failure mode is over-stressed . in truss do i have to model the rods at the joints and than draw the area on these rods or i can set the area directly on the top chord.
  12. Salam how the cold formed steel design is different from the Hot rolled steel design? is design of cold formed steel structure on SAP2000 ok or some other software should be used? any other good software for CFS design? how do we apply temperature on the CFS structure.i have CFS model is sap2000 but when i apply temperature loading by gradient of even 10 degrees without joint pattern, str members fail drastically.do i have to apply temprature loading with joint pattern loading? should i apply temp loading only on roof and walls or have to apply on frame members also which are at the periphery? Regards
  13. Salam, I have a building foundation at three levels z=3,z=-18 and z=-26.5, how do i export these base reactions as .f2k format for the foundation analysis in safe.i tried exporting them, when i put elevation level -26.5 sap gives reactions at -18 but i couldn't able to get the reactions at z=-26.5 and z=3.kindly guide how to do it by exporting .f2k and if i can do it by exporting some text file which can be imported into safe. Regards
  14. Salam what is the difference between the two terms and how are these two related? Regards
  15. Salam Dear Fellows need your kind view on the matter that one should take thesis at MS level or do MS degree with course work.Uni is going to offer the MS with course work along with MS with thesis. Regards
  16. 1) section cut option is used to check forces at different points, just like FBD or cutting section at any height or length of frames. 2)slabs are not designed in ETABS . slabs are designed manually or on SAFE generally.
  17. at center of section generally but you can specify it by assigning insertion points if you want them to connect at top/bottom etc.
  18. Ct is the factor which incorporate the material properties and moment-resisting framing system or any other sys. properties along-with x which is power of hn in approximate method of finding building fundamental time period.ref to ASCE 7-05 sec.,FEMA-P 751 sec
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