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    UET Taxila

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  1. I am analyzing a regular structure 120 feet high in seismic zone 4. Will it come under the static lateral force procedure or dynamic analysis? How can we relate p-delta analysis and lateral force procedure?
  2. "select all elements by Ctrl+A, then goto Concrete Design Preferences from Design menu, and select VIEW/REVIEW overwrites and then select the second checkbox and change the sway option." this option worked for almost all the beams. Thank you Sir, my structure is 3 basements + ground + 17 stories, total height 252 ft but above ground it is 202 ft. And the 20 inches sway is seismic.
  3. Thank you so much for the guidance. Sir Umar Makhzumi, yes sir I have shear wall system may be thats why ETABs is not giving an option for sway preferences before the analysis. But after design when I right click any element then in overwrite option there is sway and it is as sway special, and if I change it to sway intermediate then most of the elements pass. Another problem is that I am having a very high deflection for my structure, it is about 20 inches at top story, can you please suggest what changes should I make to reduce the deflection. The area of my structure is 100x100 sq feet, zone 2B, 21 story, soil type SD and I want to do static analysis.
  4. Assalam o alaikum 1. I want to ask how ETABs considers the sway conditions in concrete frame design? I designed an RC structure in which most structural members fail but when I change the preference to sway intermediate most of them pass the design. Is there any way to define prior to design for IMRF input? 2. What is the maximum allowable deflection for an RC structure? As in codes it is usually mentioned for structural members but not for the whole structure like at top story for seismic design.
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