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  1. Hello everyone! Sorry if this question has been raised by someone else. I used the slab element to model floor slabs and pile caps. Things were fine until I changed the mesh size to a smaller one. The reinforcement became extremely large at some points, like a concentration. I changed the mesh size from large to small, and the problem became severe. Hence I wonder is this negligible? How fine should I mesh? I have encountered similar situation in SAP modeling. Thanks for your comments or suggestions.
  2. Hello everyone. I would like to model eccentricity of columns and beam but I have encountered some problems using the insertion point in Etabs. Here are my questions: 1. What is the difference between using cardinal point and joint offset? I tried to joint offset a column as if it was offset using the cardinal point (eg. bottom left), but then the analyze results are different. Why? 2. When using the insertion point, we have to transform the stiffness. I did not do any offset but changed the transform stiffness option to "yes" then applied a point load at the top. Comparing to columns without stiffness transform, the results are different. Would anybody explain why? And when we use the insertion point, shall we transform the stiffness of the object with offset? Or shall we transform the stiffness of objects which have connection with the offset object as well? Appreciate!
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