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Salma Jabeen

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Salma Jabeen last won the day on September 30 2018

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    Abu Dhabi
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  1. And while doing so you need to check the torsion for building plan also, Wall location should be carefully decided.
  2. See ,from your post what I understood is that you are providing one shear wall along X-axis. And I mean that instead of giving that one BIG shear wall give 2-3 at different locations in that same along x-axis. (location shall be decided considering the architectural restraints).
  3. It should increase as you go up (if you have same storey heights). Referring to your load pattern definition, you should select the exposure from diaphragms (assign diaphragms to slab also). and also do define wind exposure parameters. i am not familiar with this British code but in american codes there are different case for wind exposure parameters, so there we have to add that much number of wind patterns separately.
  4. Very good discussion indeed. I would like to add one more point, it is not necessary to add only one shear wall in x-direction and get larger dimensions of it. Instead you can add multiple (2-3 based on your lateral stiffness required). This could share the forces and hence reducing dimensions and make your client happy. 🙂
  5. ETABS gives very good results for wind load analysis. I am not sure why it is happening in your case. Can u please share the screenshot of load pattern definition for wind load?
  6. Please check ASCE 7-05, Chapter-12.
  7. Hello everyone, I have a question from steel structural designers. Does purlin help in reducing effective span of main rafter? and similarly does girt help in reducing effective height of column, does it give any lateral stability to column?
  8. Thanks for your reply. Can u please help me in providing reference from codes for its detailing, as I have to use in one of my projects. Thanks.
  9. Salam all, I want some discussion regarding using bent up bars in slabs/beams. Why it is not generally used? Is there any reference from codes for detailing of bent up bars?
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