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Everything posted by Eman

  1. But, as my understanding stiffness modifiers has nothing to do with redistribution of moment for statically indeterminate structure. As stiffness modifiers are applied through out the length of the member (here in this case i am addressing a beam particularly) to account for cracks which might occur whether at mid-span or support, whereas redistribution of mement due to cracking too should be applied through the provision of beam-end releases only until the moment at support reaches the desired value; as per design codes the reduction is allowed up to 30% of the support moments. Thanks.
  2. Thaks engineer. But do you mean that for flexural monents unlike for torsional moments, the program has a capability to redistribute the values automatically; witout providing release/stifness modifier?
  3. Dear engineers, can somebody clarify the above. What is the difference between the analysis results of a member released for torsion and a member with torsional stiffness modified in a statically indeterminate structure? I have had the understanding that both of them have same effect.
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