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  1. How torsion reinforcing area of steel will be inserted in beam ?
  2. Assalam u alaikum What is difference between UBC 97 and ACI 318 ?
  3. I am not getting this statement , that how to check torsional irregularity . Please Help . "Torsional irregularity shall be considered to exist when the maximum story drift, computed including accidental torsion, at one end of the structure transverse to an axis is more than 1.2 times the average of the story drifts of the two ends of the structure. "
  4. Assalam u Alaikum . In special seismic effect there are two options wheather include it or not . So when we include it in our design ?
  5. How to overcome story drift ? If max drift value at story x is 1/40 and direction is x then what changes should be made on that story x ?
  6. As beam Moment of inertia is 0.35 as per ACI code . if we taking it 35% then where is rest of 65% going ? Kindly give me concept of it , Similarly in Column we are taking it 70% what about remaining 30% ?
  7. Dear thanks that you replied . But when i click on seismic design . it did not open and display that forum has been marked as read
  8. I am new here . Kindly telll me why we perform dynamic analysis for our structure . What is difference between in p delta and dynamic analysis ?
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