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mjnasar last won the day on August 12 2021

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    saudi arabia
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    RPD Binladen

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  1. Assalam please see the attached masonry wall done with etabs best regards linkedin.com/in/mjnasar masonaryWalls_notes.pdf 211224-37463220-AS-SFMCR Blockworks-Basement Internal CMU Wall 200 Panel 6.5 x 3.5 -R00.EDB 211224-37463220-AS-SFMCR Blockworks-Ground Internal CMU Wall 200 Panel 6.5 x 4 -R00.ebk
  2. Asak Please upload the Drawings and share the link All the participants will submit the proposals and then you can choose some body and can finalize the system also u can announce the winner & his proposal regards
  3. ASK According to ACI, Torsion longitudinal reinforcement should be equally distributed to the 4 faces of the beam and ACI 318 says that the torsion reinforcement is additive to the required flexural reinforcement in your case, u can distribute the steel in 2 top corner bars + 1 side bar + 2 bottom corner bars ( Addl to top & bottom Flexural reinforcement ) regards
  4. Eng.Yasir Please calculate Force in the Each reinforcement Bar = Moment coming from cantilever slab per meter run / ( effective depth * No.of bars per mt ) The pull out capacity of epoxy anchored bar should be more as per required safety factor and you can down load the Hilti Profis-rebar software free and calculate the epoxy rebars ( but only Hilti brand) https://www.hilti.ae/content/hilti/META/AE/en/engineering/software/design-software/profis-rebar.html regards
  5. Walikum Salam, For most critical case for Foundation - Support as Fixed Support and more realistic approach regards
  6. Dear Eng.mhdhamood Please see following link from Csi https://wiki.csiamerica.com/display/safe/Design+FAQ#DesignFAQ-Whyareresultsdistortedwhenstripandlocalaxesdonotalign? Text from above link Why are results distorted when strip and local axes do not align? Extended Question: When strip direction does not align with the local axis of meshed objects, results are inconsistent. How does SAFE compute forces? Answer: When design strips do not align with the area axis, forces are transformed to coordinate with the strip axis. If results become distorted, rotate the area axis such that it is parallel to the strip axis. Regards https://sa.linkedin.com/in/mjnasar
  7. Hi, please find shown relation of corner bars to main bars given in guide Raynolds and Steadman reinforced-concrete-designers-handbook-by-charles-e-reynolds-and-james-c-steedman-www-civilenggforall-com.pdf
  8. Hi for simple checks Calculate the pressure on the slabs should be less than design ( live loads+ finishing load)on the floor (3x14.78x1.2+ 0.2*24*9.38*4.215) / (9.38x4.215) = 6.14 Kn/m2 operating weight = 1.2xwet weight concrete weight = 24kn/m3 for frequency damping , there is long story ..
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