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Engr Fayaz Ahmad

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Everything posted by Engr Fayaz Ahmad

  1. AOA, i am curious about relation between (splice length and development in RCC Beam Columns and footing) and earthquake zone. if i am using #8 bars then for fc'=3ksi and fy=60 ksi the development length is 71 inch and splice length is 92 inch (almost 7.5 ft). now normally overall story height is 10 ft minus beam depth of 1.5 ft , the net column height remains 8.5 ft . so actually i am providing 2 times of the actual reinforcement in columns. this seems reasonable for earthquake zone 3 and 4 where severe earthquake can occur. for seismic zone 2A and 2B this seems very over design . is there any material available for splice length , overlap and development length zone wise.. thanks
  2. you are right about the reinforcement will be higher at lower stories but my query is why is the reinforcement at intermediate column being high than lower story and upper story. thanks
  3. AOA. i am designing a 7 storey hospital building but after running design in etabs v16, some of the column on ground floor or first shows very high reinforcement as compared to upper or lower stories columns. the grid size and loading is same for all stories. can some on kindly point out what could the reason? Thanks
  4. one of our teacher told us not run the modal analysis while analyzing a structure in sap or etabs i don't understand why?
  5. high reaction at base results due to heavy loads... what are the live and superdead loads u have considered
  6. i am using etab 2013 version, most of my beam are failing in torsion . i increased the size of beam but it still show torsion failure ,, can i put the modifier to .001 i have read some where here here is the file.. tnx FIANL MODEL 4.$et
  7. hi , I am designing a two storey mosque 40x80 the c/c spacing between grid is 13.33 ft.. and now matter how deep and wide beam I provide it still fails in seismic design.. can any one help me out .. here is the model attached. thanks FIANL MODEL 4.EDB
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