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Ahmed Waqar

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  • University
    UET Lahore
  • Employer
    Iqbal, Uzair Associates
  • Interests
    Structural Engineering

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  1. Top reinforcement is provided when thickness is huge there are chances of shrinkage otherwise no steel required. In cases where water table is high top steel is also provided like Faisalabad Sargodga NIP
  2. How you computed the modulus of subgrade for settlements and bearing capacity checks. Not for structural design
  3. Have you checked the settlements. What is modulus of sub grade that you have taken. If you computed modulus of subgrade then multiply by FOS then you are using ultimate capacity of soil. For geotechnical design that's not workable. Check settlements if they are in range then ok. These are my view only...
  4. Earth quake loads consider in foundation designs as well in its sizing as well as in its structural design. If someone omits, it purely his own choice
  5. Send me link to download limcon please. You may check the result at RISA connection and STAAD RAM connection
  6. Bo at the edge and corner is different moreover there are 2 more formulas if punching for corner and edge columns. If you consider this then see result
  7. Dear Mr Iqbal Correct me if I am wrong. Suggestions G+5 is not too much load we are not talking about. And bearing capacity is reasonably fine considering the magnitude of building. You can easily do the foundation with mat type. Its 44' span that must be govern as it will become one way;. In the you will get too much top moment. Moreover as most of load is concentrated on the edges it is recommended to cantilver your foundation as much as you can, Slabs For slab just go for one way slab with main beams are 44' in length. Please make sure that one way spans shall be around 10 to 14ft. as this will drastic reduces your deflections. Make sure to remain one way slab, otherwise cross beams will create too much torsional moments. These are suggestions only,
  8. Thanks for the feedback. Frame elements like line elements and plate elements stiffness modifier will easily work. Now we left with shear walls. What i am saying is create new material profile for shear wall concrete. its stiffness for flexural desformations are 3EI/L (cube) and varies to 12EI/L(cube). Greater the shear walls greater is the trend towards cantilever nature of wall.Now we remain ourselves is elastic analysis of first and second order. As far as material is elastic its properties are well defined as per established principles of mechanics. Now we just change I to 0.7 of I which is stiffness modifier. In staad we cannot achieve this with ease like other elements (as per my knowledge of staad) So my proposal is just to change E to 0.7 of E instead of I. You will get the same results. Its simple mathematics. But this E is of shear wall only and precisely in flexural deformations only. Which is primarily over concern,
  9. Thanks for the above feedback. I dont know of other softwares but in STAAD Pro, You have to give all the properties of the material if there is any change. Now, E of shear wall is the change material. And we know the pupose of shear wall is to reduce lateral displacements and to take lateral load as per his stiffness and that will be the fuction of EI. So only E will be change and all other parameters will be on E original characteristics. Correct me if I am wrong.
  10. YUP. Its an indirect way. As stiffness is the function of EI/L, Instead of changing I, just change E to 0.7 results will be same.
  11. Respected All, Am doing shear wall analysis and design. Property reduction factors are easily incorporated in Frame elements. but for shear walls property modifiers i didnt find any. Please guide me that how can i change the property reduction factors of shear walls in STAAD Pro
  12. Agreed With Engr Uzair. Strap beam width is generally larger than to column dimension just to avoid massive congestion. Otherwise it has nothing to do with design.
  13. There is book low price edition by an indian author "Design of folded plates and domes" By Prentice Hall of India can easily be purchased by paramount book stores. Domes and shells can easily be designed by STAAD pro as well
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