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Hira Malik

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Everything posted by Hira Malik

  1. Does anyone know that what the simple meaning of the following warning in ETABS is? “The maximum absolute changes in the EI and EA reduction factors is 0.2. For 102 members, the reduction factor decreased by more than the negative tolerance of 0.01. Do you want to reiterate analysis and design?” What are these EI and EA terms?
  2. Not for glass? then when do we provide these modifiers? I think they are provided when you want a certain member to attract more or less load than the others.
  3. jazakAllah. Yes we have demanded the specs from manufacturer. Do i need to change/edit stiffness modifiers for glass? why and how? I have never played with these in any structure before, but now i have been asked to do so ad i have no idea how.
  4. Attached below is screen shot of a canopy model. the cantilever portion is 24ft glas with supporting beams and 20psf live load. I am not sure how to check the design for a glass slab. How to check shear? What would be the limiting value of shear stress? Like for RC slabs it is 60psf (1.1*SQRT(fc'). What else do i need to check? Like in RC slabs for the moment we provide reinforcement, but how to deal with glass?
  5. We have a situation here. the footings of a building are under-sized and we are required to stabilize them by using some remedial measures. ground floor of the building is now complete and they are probably working on 1st floor now. we suggested to increase foundation width from sides and depth from top and embed the new reinforcement into existing footing. but the client is suggesting to use connecting beams between 2 footings. Your urgent advise is needed.
  6. i have heard about pick-up columns but not beams. i think they are not structural columns but just for architectural purpose or so. If any of the seniors could explain about these two, it would be great.
  7. 1. Consider the post below. 2. Yes, ETABS itself accounts for a column's slenderness. 3. See same post as above. 4. When selecting combos, it is better to select all combos so that you may check SAFE results for any load combo if you want. However, for design purpose you have to consider the WORKING COMBO only i.e. the one with gravity loads. If you consider the results of combos that include earthquake, make sure to increase your bearing capacity by 33%.
  8. JazakAllah all. Much clear now. And yes, the slab has beams with 21" depth all around it, and the slab itself is 7" thick. So these are stiff beams.
  9. Oh alright. thanks all... so the easy thing would be to go perpendicular to the direction of contours. And if still confused, turn on the local axes. i knew it somewhere but what confused me was a model with one-way ( 32ft*12ft ) slab showing higher or same moment values for longer direction, however main r/f in a one-way slab is placed along shorter direction. So I guess its better to design slabs manually.
  10. Fati this general definition i already know. i was asking about the r/f as result of these moments. The r/f in wall and the slab (because of M11) will be horizontal or vertical??
  11. Salam everyone. i am a bit confused about the M11 and M22 in ETABS and how to provide reinforcement for these in a one-way slab or a wall. kindly see the attached pics and guide me that for this M11 moment, r/f will be provided in what direction and why?
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