I'm designing a 11 story building using Etabs 2016. I found something in the results of pier forces (V2) and story forces (Vx or Vy) from earthquake forces in Y direction.
Logically the story force (V y) must be higher than V2 in piers due to EQy, but in my model I found that V2 in piers higher than story force (V y)
My questions are:
1- Can pier forces (V2) in a given story be higher than story force (Vx or Vy) in that story. If yes, why is that possible?
2- In the pier forces in y direction, I found that most of the values (V2) in a given story are either positive or negative and that why it gave me high values of pier forces. Is that possible??
The model is attached here. Please inform me if there are any problems in my model.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Structural Model.rar