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Ahmad Shabaneh

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    birzeit university
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    Civil engineering, Sports, Inventions

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  1. So for a 3m story height the maximum displacement of the upper story relative to the lower story is 0.02*3m = 0.06m ?? I think it is a large value or I misunderstand what you meant??
  2. So if I have one free standing building and the model results showed that the lateral displacement 15 or 20 cm (Large values) then that is not a problem??? Logically it is a problem when a nine or ten stories building displaced that much, but there is no scientific or engineering judgment on this, and this what I can't understand.
  3. Hello, I have a question about maximum permissible lateral displacement of RC buildings due to earthquake I'm modeling a nine story residential building using ETABS 2015. The results showed that there is a 6.8 cm lateral displacement (not drift) due to EQx in the top story. I searched for the limit of lateral displacement of RC buildings, but I didn't find a clear results.
  4. Hello, I'm designing a 11 story building using Etabs 2016. I found something in the results of pier forces (V2) and story forces (Vx or Vy) from earthquake forces in Y direction. Logically the story force (V y) must be higher than V2 in piers due to EQy, but in my model I found that V2 in piers higher than story force (V y) My questions are: 1- Can pier forces (V2) in a given story be higher than story force (Vx or Vy) in that story. If yes, why is that possible? 2- In the pier forces in y direction, I found that most of the values (V2) in a given story are either positive or negative and that why it gave me high values of pier forces. Is that possible?? The model is attached here. Please inform me if there are any problems in my model. Looking forward to hearing from you. Structural Model.rar
  5. Thank you ILYAS, I'm attaching to you my model in ETABS for more help please Abu industrial.rar
  6. I performed long term non-linear deflection analysis in SAFE, the max deflection was 7.8 cm in slabs. After that I increased the top and bottom reinforcement, but still slabs deformed with high values. Here is my model Abu industrial.rar
  7. I work in a project with large spans (9.2m X 8m) and large service loads (4kn/m^2 SDL+Partitions), (7.5kn/m^2 Live load) In modeling the project on ETABS I set the property modifiers for slab (thin shell as 0.25) and this affected the deflection in slabs ( about 5 cm deflection from service loads) Hence: Slab thickness is 22 cm and interior beams 50X50 and the owner didn't allowed to increase the thickness Any suggestions to solve the problem.
  8. Hello, I have a problem in some etabs results I'm modeling a building with 3 stories which are typical stories. In design results I found that the columns in the second story having larger reinforcement values than the bottom (first) story, which is not logical. And sometimes I found that the top story have larger reinforcement values too. This problem I had suffered from almost every time I use shell thin or shell thick as slab. Can you help please.
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