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Yasir Shehzad

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Everything posted by Yasir Shehzad

  1. Dear Fellows, I have countered with a situation that beam depths are very high that run in kitchens as well as washrooms where plumbing pipes are also to run such that these cross the beams horizontally. Have any one of you worked on sleeves in RCC beams ? what are your experiences both practically and theoretically . the flexural capacity , shear capacity , shear Flow ? the beam length is about 10 feet having depth and width may be assumed as 30 inches and 8 inches respectively while the sleeve dia may be considered as 6 inches ? where do you think is possible location in both negative and positive moments ( within L/4 and in the mid span of the beam ) I hope I will get appreciable responses, thank you
  2. Dears Engineers. An issue has been faced during construction that a 3 feet cantilever slab(balcony) having total length of balcony 22 feet has to be extended from already poured slabs (flat slab with edge/end beams ) with no dowels left. What do you rekon for this? Do you think epoxy anchored rebars having pull out force of 11. 240 kips (50KN) with #4 dia of bar been used with slabconcrete strength of 4000 psi. Can it work ? What are your recommendation about the durability, serviceability and safety of the epoxy for the 50 years service life of building ? What alternatives do you have for such slab extension ??
  3. I have a query , that in Flat slabs , as we have only supports in shape of columns, where we may give overlaps of bottom mesh and top mesh ? may it be showed through drawing please ?
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