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shahid Mahmood

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shahid Mahmood last won the day on December 4 2018

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  • Gender
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  • University
    BZU,Multan,Pakistan. M.Sc. Waterloo University
  • Employer
    Gulf Consult,Kuwait
  • Interests
    Structural Engineering

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  1. Good Day, Can you please share any web-link to get details about seismic design. Thanks
  2. In this case, you have to provide lap splices for column's lateral reinforcement please refer to ACI-318 2005 Item No. 7.10 page No. 87 for more details.... or check any latest version of ACI code. Thanks
  3. Good Morning, First, i want to pay my regards to the Admin of this page to build such a responsive platform for Structural Engineers. My question is : How we can distribute the BlockWork loads uniformly over the 2T prestressed slab during the design if I am doing manual calculations[or Spread Sheets], if we are going to use some software then we can reflect Block work as line loads...Please help me regarding this matter. Thanks Shahid Mahmood
  4. Good Devening, 

    Your forum is really very helpful and informative, I just want to ask that what will be the Live Load we have to consider while designing the Car Park Ramp Slab and general parking space.

    Thanks and Regards


    Shahid Mahmood

    Contact No: +965 6999 8035



    1. WR1


      Please post in the main forum. Live loads for car parking is 2.5kpa. Please refer to codes for more details.

    2. shahid Mahmood

      shahid Mahmood

      Thank you very much for your reply.

  5. 1) Refer to ACI 214R-02 Page No. 214R-9,10,11 and 13 2) Refer ACI 301M-99 3) Refer ACI 318 M-11 Page No. 74
  6. Happy New Year to all friends and colleagues.
  7. Assalamu Alaikum, I really very happy to join this professional forum and I pay my regards to the FOUNDER of this forum who got this brilliant idea to share Structural Engineering knowledge. Today i want to take part in this good effort which is beneficial to all Engineering Community in Pakistan and abroad as well. Please find attached PDF file of ACI 318 M-14 which i want to share with all my friends and colleagues. Regards, Shahid Mahmood WCK,Kuwait *** Attachment Removed by Moderator ***
  8. How can i find out Short and long Term spectral response acceleration parameters for Kuwait. Kuwait is in Seismic Zone 1.




    Shahid Mahmood


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shahid Mahmood

      shahid Mahmood

      Good Morning,

      How can i get this document, can u please guide me.




      Shahid Mahmood

    3. UmarMakhzumi


      Please see the attachment.


      Screen Shot 2016-12-20 at 1.22.19 PM.png

    4. shahid Mahmood

      shahid Mahmood

      Thank you very much.

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