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  • University
    Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus
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    Arati and Company Pvt. Ltd.

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  1. Hi everyone!, I'm trying to design a shed of truss span 85', I have experimented with many different types of trusses. A problem that is common among most of them is failure of member near eaves. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? (*Eaves height is 24' and I can't put any member to support truss.)
  2. What is the difference between : Live, Reducible Live and Roof Live in Etabs 2016? Can I apply live of different intensities in a single slab like image below. As rooms has live of intensity 2KN/M2 but passage and Toilet has 3KN/M2. There are beams only connecting columns no intermediate beam. Thanks
  3. Base located at the ground in that case. Location of Base for Seismic Design.pdf
  4. Finally I got it. It's only available for ACI codes.
  5. I want to learn performance based design. Please suggest me some best sources to learn for free online.
  6. Sir how to activate the feature for alert of exceedance of D/C ratio
  7. Another solution can be reduction of no. of meshing. I think size of meshing depends upon boundary conditions also if I'm not wrong.
  8. It was problem with incorrect local axis assignment at 2nd floor cause of multiple edits, I made a mistake.
  9. Finally figured it out, thanks for concern.
  10. I'm trying to design a 4 storey lift in ETABS but while running detailing, rebar details for 2nd floor doesn't show up neither in elevation nor in section. Have anyone else faced such issue? What might be the problem?
  11. I got it sir. The mode shapes of two structures that are not connected to each other are independent. That's the reason ETABS not show the mode shape animation of both buildings at once. If you whant to evaluate the interaction of two buildings that are close to each other (e.g. the damaging contact during a seismic event), a dynamic modal analysis is not the way, this is a non-linear problem. A way to assess this issue is connecting both structures with gap elements and performing a nonlinear time history analysis.
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