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SEs United

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Everything posted by SEs United

  1. dear all, i have some questions and i am hoping to find some answers from you kind people. 1) when we use doubly reinforced beams how can be obtain economy be controlling ceiling height ? 2) where do we use bar curtailment and bent up bars in beams because there are not ACI provisions related to bar curtailment (as far as i know) 3)i have seen examples in books they calculate steel area for beams and they provide combination of different dia bars to satisfy that area why they do it because they can satisfy same area using same dia bars ? 4)which design method Etabs uses. LRFD or ASD? 5) how do we design the hanger bars. what is ACI provision for it? 6)where do we use inclined stirrups in beams ? 7) how the longitudinal reinforcing can be used as shear reinforcement ? Thank you all in advance. Looking forward to your responses.
  2. Thank alot for your response. well it i had made this model on Etabs 16 and i made same model on Etabs 9.7.4 and it turns out that things are working well in older version dont know why. i mean if i increase sections they are satisfying now on the older version of Etabs. .
  3. Aslam o alikum every one, Dear seniors i am new to Etabs and i was designing a multi story plaza my beams and column failed i tried to revise the design by applying the bigger sections but still they don't satisfy These are the error i find in summery of designed section 1. For beams it says the shear stress due to shear force and torsion together exceeds maximum allowed 2. For columns it says reinforcing required exceeds the maximum allowed How can i revise the design and satisfy my sections. Kindly help me in it because increasing member size is not helping i am attaching my etabs project for your reference thank you. Plaza Design.rar
  4. Aslam o alikum every one, Dear seniors i am new to etabs and i was designing a multi story plaza my beams and column failed i tried to revise the design i applied the bigger sections but atill they dont satisfy These are the error i find in summery of designed section 1. For beams it says the shear stress due to shear force and torsion together exceeds maximum allowed 2. For columns it says reinforcing required exceeds the maximum allowed How can i revise the design and satisfy my sections. Kindly help me in it because increasing member size is not helping Thank you
  5. Dear Umar Thanks for your reply well i am gonna look into that auto line constraint i.e. what it does. but i resolved the issue some other way around. this is what happened. 1. When i selected all shell objects to mesh them. it so happened that etabs also selected the slab in which i had marked opening. and after the meshing was done etabs subdivided the opening too. 2. when i selected all shell objects to apply loads etabs selected the opening too and applied load on it as well. so when i ran the model check i found the slab label in which problem was present and well it was the opening and etabs could not transfer the load there. so that was the problem. Solution : i deleted the subdivided (Meshed) opening therefore the load applied on it was also gone. then i created the new opening. and there is not warning now.. Thank you again for replying
  6. Hello dear Seniors, i am new to etabs i was designing a multistory plaza and when i ran the analysis following error occurred Warning: Area load transfer, Check StoryX, F659. Total loss = ....... i have tried to re mesh my model using default meshing but it does not help can any one tell me whats wrong with my model. Please see the below picture for more info on the same issue Note: if i design the model while these error are present majority of my beams and columns fail, if i try to increase their sections to the max even then they dont satisfy......
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