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Everything posted by Rifat

  1. Dear all, As salamu alikum. Any one can explained me these results from Etabs 2016? 1.Column P-M-M Interaction Ratios -1st image 2.(6/5) Beam/Column Capacity Ratios -2nd image 3.Column/Beam Capacity Ratios -3rd image 4.Joint Shear Capacity Ratios -4th image Thanks in advanced
  2. That means if the value is more than 1.2 then it will pass for strong column-weak beam capacity?Roger that. How vto check beam-column joint check in Etabs?
  3. Dear, How to check beam-column joint & strong column-weak beam in Etabs? Thanks in advanced Rifat
  4. As salamu alikum, I know that there are no bounds in column spacing.But,in economically & serviceability and in general point of view how much column spacing we must consider in 20-30 story concrete building ? Thanks in advanced
  5. As salamu alikum,Why does a 135° hook of specified length is recommended for closedstirrups in beams/columns? Why not we use 120° or 130° hook?Can you explain this?Thanks in advanced.
  6. Yes,I need the basic civil engineering books which covered engineering materials, geotechnical engineering,transportation engineering,envt. engineering etc which we can call a digest civil engineering book.It is preferable if the book is written by the Pakistani authors.
  7. As salamu alikum, Can anyone please provide me some book which covered all of basic b.eng. courses which helps me for m.eng. admission? Thanks in advanced
  8. Hello engineers, According to research & experience which types of pile is less vulnerable to earthquake as well as liquefaction? 1.Pre-cast Concrete Pile 2.Cast in place Concrete Pile 3.Sand Pile 4.Steel (H) Pile
  9. As salamu alikum, Anyone can tell me the process of this calculation- Thanks in advanced
  10. Thanks for reply Umar. But these thread is about insertion point.Is it possible/technically sound to do that work with link command?That my question. Have a look in this video.
  11. Hello, I am B.Tech. Student.From the attached image, it appears any beam such like in Fig: building model can not released for compatibility torsion. But,in Fig: says we can released torsion.I want to learn about the judgement of releasing the torsion. Can we released torsion for all of these beams where floor beam is connected in spandrel beam if it satisfy torsion capacity (ACI 11.5.1)? If any beam can satisfy ACI 11.5.1 then can we neglected the torsion? Some of structural engineer modify torsion modifier 1 to 0.001 by their judgement,I want to know their judgement. Please anyone help to clear my concept. Sorry for my bad english.
  12. Hello, In modeling Etabs Model some times it seems that beam rest on the off center of the column.After analysis we found that beam load cant transfer in the column.Can we use link command to join the beam with column center? Is it technically sound? Thanks in advanced
  13. I want to know about both type of soil. Thanks
  14. As salamu alikum, I have a silly question.How to determine bearing capacity of shallow or deep foundation from SPT value.Please anyone give some reference or excel or handouts so that I can understand. Sorry for my ignorance and thanks in advanced
  15. Thank you for your earnest co-operation.But this minaret is different its having diameter of 5' and 50' long and simply attached by a shear wall.
  16. Hello Engineers, Anyone can share with me the steps/procedure for mosque minaret design?
  17. Thank you. Would please denote "10 (700*4.448)^0.5 in mm" formula? Would you please give me the name of that book? When fy as well as f'c is changed this time, that formula is effective ?
  18. Thank you. Would please denote "10 (700*4.448)^0.5 in mm" formula? Would you please give me the name of that book?
  19. Dear members, As salamu alikum .To resist 700 kips total load in the column,if compressive strength of concrete 4 ksi,fy=60 ksi,to satisfy punching shear in raft,how much thickness is need?
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