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Saurav Bomzon Chettri

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Everything posted by Saurav Bomzon Chettri

  1. We are interested in the acceleration the building observed not the ground vibration.. 1. This response of a building with respect to acceleration vs time period is plotted in Building acceleration/ Pseudo acceleration graph. 2. Damping: Higher the damping % faster the building will loose energy & it will cum to stable state. 3. Mode shapes: The collective motion of a building when subjected to shaking.. 4. Base shear: Its the forces acting at the base of the building. 5. Displacement: Max. displacement is always at the top storey.
  2. Push over analysis is mostly related to get the capacity of a building for max. displacement. Mainly used for retrofitting of old buildings.. Pushover curve is a strength-deflection curve.. Plot force vs displacement curve.. The pt. where the strength drops drastically is the limit of the storey, its the state describing the collapse of the frame..
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