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Usman Khatri

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Usman Khatri last won the day on April 1 2019

Usman Khatri had the most liked content!

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  • Employer
    Independent Structural Engineer
  • Interests
    Civil Engineering
    Conglomerate Structures
    Environmental Engineering

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  1. Hello All, Just wanted to know i have shake table data in terms of Time Acceleration and Time Displacement from a specific ground acceleration, i wanted to know how can i convert that data to Response Spectrum so that i can evaluate for different structure having different time periods, as far as i know i need to solve equation of motion somehow , anyone having knowledge regarding it can forward me literature or any kind of would be really appreciated, Thanks
  2. Hello everyone, I am looking to download data of shake table test for different structure,does anyone know where can i download it from?? Thankyou
  3. Hello everyone, I hope everyone's doing great, in few weeks i will start my thesis about floor spectrum,so i wanted to discuss about the topic if anyone can suggest what are the open areas/questions related to this topic that i can also include, any suggestion would be really beneficial.Hoping for positive discussion,Thanks.
  4. Can anyone help me in modeling tendon in SAP 2000 and applying tendon forces on it to get natural frequency for different modes
  5. Thanks for the good wishes,that is really awesome,great to be connected
  6. Hello everyone and warm greetings, My name is Usman, i am really excited to join this forum and looking forward for positive discussions and contribution to this forum.I am really glad and thankful to the moderator for creating this forum,i have already found this forum very beneficial and useful. I did my bachelors in Civil Engg. from Sir Syed University of Engg. & Technology, Karachi in Dec'2017 and then worked for different Architects as an independent Structural Engineer, i am still learning and gaining knowledge from my experience, recently i have started my journey for Masters to broaden my horizons in this field ,i am currently enrolled in Bauhaus Universitat,Weimar.
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