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Arash Pursadrullah

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Everything posted by Arash Pursadrullah

  1. thank you for sharing this. I have question about the box shape wall. shouldn't we assign the same pier to the wall that works together? i have highlighted them in the attached Pic. Furthermore, how do you draw this in Section designer considering having different pier label?
  2. Hi, I was wondering why in some cases when i want to check torsional irregularity in etabs and use Story Max/Avg Drift from Modal explorer, the software shows both Y and X direction ratio for Earthquake in X direction Or vice versa. as far as i know when checking for EX with plus and minus Eccentricities, it should only report ratios for X direction not Y! i should mention that this happen only in few cases!! in most of the time software report only X direction ratio for EX! thanks in advance for your time.
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