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Hamza Ahmad

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Everything posted by Hamza Ahmad

  1. How to calculate Nominal Moment of column (Mn) manually ??
  2. I have a question. For finding Nominal Moment of column manually should i consider P (axial load) only of EQ load combinations ?
  3. AOA!! Which parameters should be consider for design of raft foundation if the bottom of foundation is 2' above the GWT ? To be on conservative side, should we apply upward pressure (unit weight of water x 1'or 2') on the bottom of raft foundation?
  4. AOA Fellows. Can we perform RSA on two story building have vertical irregularity in zone-2? What should be the preference of desinger, shear wall to avoid it or go for RSA ?
  5. Aoa everyone. how to find one way shear demand (Vu) value for strip footing (Strip having series of column) in SAFE using FEA approach ??
  6. Sir i have gone through SEAOC manual book for ubc-97. In example 4 of manual they have solve a problem on story stiffness by following formula (Story displacement/height of story) then check the it with code provision.
  7. Sir, for checking story stiffness manually we will use Story force ( Vx or Vy ) or Auto seismic forces (Fx or Fy) from etabs ??
  8. Sir, i have a question ? is shear wall the solution for controlling torsional Irregularity ? or Can it be controlled by adding additional column grid in X or Y direction ?
  9. AOA. For strip footing analysis in etabs, can we assign elastic beam (Strip) as shell element or not ??
  10. actually when i click on slab and in front of diaphragm it was written no...pls see the attachment.
  11. AOA everyone. I found a problem in etabs when i was assigning diaphragm on inclined slab so it wasn't which means forces will not be transfer to vertical members so less will be seismic demand...how to solve this problem Thanks.
  12. Aoa everyone. Another question on modal analysis lol. I have saw a lot of posts in the forum regarding modal analysis but still have questions in my mind. Sorry if questions seems to be silly. if a mode (deformed shape) in which mass is participation 90% it means that following mode is attracting more EQ force and how can we use the following mode time period in etabs as we have already define time period in static load cases (Program Calculated) ?? Secondly for response spectrum analysis it is necessary to perform modal analysis in etabs and when Etabs calculate base shear from both static procedure and RSA which one base shear is used in final design calculation by etabs ? If time period calculate by etabs is less then Ta then we have to use Ta, so how can we change the time period in etabs to Ta ??
  13. Go for liquid-structure interaction for deep bridge piers in water.
  14. AOA. I have a question regarding NPTEL. Is NEPTEL an authentic source of knowledge ?
  15. AOA. Hope so everyone's fine. I have a question regarding strip footing direction. What is the criteria for selecting the direction of strip (X or Y direction) ? Thank's
  16. AOA. Hope so everyone's fine. I have a question regarding strip footing direction. What is the criteria for selecting the direction of strip (X or Y direction) ? Thank's
  17. AOA how much should be the area mesh size for assigning area springs in etabs for raft foundation ?
  18. Is it ok if we use Integral beam for punching control ??As it can be used in Flat plate etc ??
  19. AOA.. In foundation (Isolated) why we use reinforcement in the compression zone...??
  20. Need your guidance is i have taken loads correct .. beam as 14' apart, slab thickness = 8". Column dimension (30" circular column), Beam Depth 55"x18" (and sir did etabs includes slab thinkness in beam during analysis ) ??
  21. Sir sir one question more..is it necessary to take stiffness modifiers ?? as I notice by not taking stiffness modifier will increase reinforcement in beam and decrease in Column ?? in my case I am working for single Story Hall (102'x55') .. Sir, i have also taken the live load as 100 psf (ASCE table 4-1) And superimposed 60 psf ..
  22. But sir my question is should we take 3000 psi during the analysis and design stage in etabs or not ?? what is common practice ??
  23. Thank you so much for your reply...i have few other questions?? 1) Should we consider a wind load effects on a structure to be constructed on Hilly area(Daman-e-koh Islamabad) and it's just single story HALL (102' x 55' Approx) ?? 2) In General notes of structure Fc' for beam and column might be given as 4000psi (both column and beam) or 3000psi for beam. while designing in etabs should we take it less or not because taking it less will result in more conservative and uneconomical design but on another hand its also difficult to achieve 3000 psi...
  24. Aoa I have a question? if I want to check deflection for beam manually so I have to consider it as T or Rectangular beam for deflection check OR first, I have to check whether beam act like T or rectangular beam (a<hf) ??
  25. AOA. How to model a retrofit beam in etabs whose depth has to be increased ???
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