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Everything posted by ash

  1. I am not sure if we can assign sping/links to wall/slab/beams without breaking them in to small segments, can we?
  2. I agree, such simple structure should not modeled and should be done using classical methods. The reason i am trying to solve is my curiosity. otherwise I already designed and executed that structure 5 years back with simplified approach, and its still intact 😇. unfortunately i did not found the answer for my question, and i considered it a good forum to discussed, thats why i raised the question. Are not we are here for the same reason, Should not give up and try to find the answers which we can't find else were? Regards Muhammad
  3. Hi Uzair So what do you suggest, the internal beams in Etabs should be modelled as Tbeam or Rectangle beams? Regards Muhammad
  4. Hi Umar Thanks for replying I am trying to model a pure masonry wall behavior in 3 story building, the wall will only transfer the gravity loads but wont take any axial tension. Critical part comes when we have a beam/slab which is hogging due to adjacent span or any uplift, wall elements takes tension from it and try to hold down the beam/slab. and change the actual behavior of the structure. I just want to transfer the gravity loads through the modeled walls, but not the tension (as there will be no tension in brick wall elements due to hogging), but ofcourse in sagging case my walls should act as compression element and shall transfer the loads from above as per their material properties. Trying to simulate a house with brick walls over/under slabs, beams to check the stresses and load concentration in my structure. Thx in advance
  5. hi friend I will appreciate if any one enlight me on the subject topic how to achieve a brick wall over slab behaviors with shell elements.(compression only). Thanks in Advance.
  6. Usually i check the far most point (in diaphragm) in each direct to check drifts.
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