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Shahzad Khan

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Everything posted by Shahzad Khan

  1. When a slab is designed in ETABS or SAP2000, usually the Membrane and diaphragm value is assigned to it. One of our structure designing professor assigned values of both membrane and diaphragm same and told us that, this will be always constant and same. I am a bit confused why so? What actually these parameters represents? I only knows the basic definition of Line element and surface element. When i opened the ABAQUS User manual it was clearly defined that, shell thin consider only in plane stresses while shell thick consider out of plan stress also which are i think shear deformations.
  2. Just like taking core samples, can we take the steel sample from the structure? if yes, where will be the location of steel sample? Asking just for educational purpose
  3. Can you share an example?
  4. What is the difference between the force control and displacement control hinges in ETABS?
  5. Aoa, what is scale factor and why do we apply it to Base shear?
  6. So far i know, All you have to do is, to take core samples and evaluate it strength. On the bases of these results you can do assessment of the existing structure in SAP2000.
  7. Aoa! I have selected the research topic of "investigating the effect of eccentricity in RC Beam-Column-Slab sub assemblies". Eccentric connections which some time required by architects, results in torsional effect in joint as well as in column. It will be numerically evaluated that how the eccentricity affect the connection performance, which include the following; Strength, Stiffness, and Energy dissipation. I want to have some literature (I have downloaded some relevant papers but a source will be best enough for me to have vast field of study) and to find out what techniques structural engineers have used for such numerical studies? What software are generally used? Are those easily available in Pakistan? What book is best for starting Numerical modeling? Suggest me a software, for which i can buy course for learning the software also. Please help me out. Beside online help, if an engineer wants to cooperate me, can whatsApp me at +923400740460. .
  8. For accuracy purpose on preparing lectures, I often use Sap2000 to solve the structure elements of indeterminate structures. Most often, I draw the Shear and Bending diagrams using Microsoft Excel Graphs. When manual calculations and software calculations matches, I export the Shear force and bending moment nodal values to Microsoft Excel and include them in Power Point for manual calculations. The issue is, Sap2000 only gives me three or four values along a member. I want to increase the nodal points for members, I.e, discretization. How can I increase the finite elements in Sap2000? If possible, please share your reviews. Thanks.
  9. Aoa, Is there any book for beginners to learn the basic concepts of finite element analysis. As I have downloaded a lot of books, some of books are related to Mechanical Engineering, While some are Aerospace Engineering, and some are about Civil Engineering. Each book context are different. If you've info about the aforementioned required book, please share with me. Thank you.
  10. Aoa, hello guys, Idk how to start problem here but let's just make it straight. I'm studying FEA in my Master studies and the teacher has assigned me task to select any research paper based on finite element analysis, provide summary of research paper and regenerate the results using software. I selected a research paper, which was based on comparison of results of strap footing settlement using SAP, ETAB and manual calculations. The comparison was for results. I reproduced the same results in software and submitted to my course instructor. He rejected the results and told me to select any research paper which actually shows what happens inside the structure and regenerate the results. This project carries 15% weight of subject marks. I'm unable to find research paper which actually shows the required results. If you think, it's possible, please whatsapp me at --- ASAP.Put your reviews here too. JazakAllah.
  11. Assalam oalaikum, Please someone discuss modal analysis briefly, including discussion on results with a frame solved as an example.
  12. Walaikun assalam, You can use Microsoft Excel to find area under curve. Let me know if you've not yet resolve it.
  13. AOA, Kindly email me UBC 97 (All volumes) & ASCE 7-O5. Tufail_mabood@yahoo.com JazakAllah Khair.
  14. Aoa, kindly share the formula for finding thickness of combined footing (if available). Do mention the thumb rule for the footing thickness also. JazakAllah khair.
  15. I didn't performed such kind of tests but brick should be tested for strength and other aspects(efflorescent test, etc) as we do it in our current project (specifications are to use first class brick having water absorption of 15-20% for 24 hours and efflorescence should be Nil).
  16. Use influence lines for unit weight and implement according to your data.
  17. Many designers in practice continue all the positive reinforcement into the face of the support (6" embedded from the support exterior face) and negative reinforcement also.
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